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  1. Complaint > Ituango Hydropower Plant

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President, Vice President of Countries, Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge, Manager - Andean Countries, Country Representative in Colombia, Chief of Environmental Safeguards Unit Re: Management Response to Request MICI-BID-CO-2018-0133 referring to the Proyecto “Support for Structuring the Ituango Hydroelectric Project”- (CO- T1250). I. Introdu...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Colombia - 2018
  2. Complaint > Development Programme's Norte Grande Provinces

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President of Countries Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge Manager of Infrastructure Country Representative for Argentina Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit Chief of the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department 2

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Argentina - 2016
  3. Complaint > Development Programme's Norte Grande Provinces

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President of Countries Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge Manager of Infrastructure Country Representative for Argentina Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit 4

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Argentina - 2016
  4. Complaint > Blumenau's Sustainable Urban Mobility Program

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President for Countries, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Infrastructure Manager, Representative in Brazil, Chief of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit Subject: Case MICI-BR-2015-0093 “Blumenau Sustainable Mobility Program” (BR-L1272). Management Response upon registration of the Request and comments on the ineligibility of the case for the Consultation Phase and for the Compliance Review Phase 1. Objective The...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Brazil - 2015
  5. Complaint > Avianca-01/Bogota

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report in respect of IFC's Investment in Avianca, Colombia

    ...Vice President, Global Client Services Acting Vice President and General Counsel

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Colombia
  6. Complaint > Program for the Reconstruction of Electricity Infrastructure in Areas Affected by the Earthquake in Ecuador

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President, Vice President for Countries, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Infrastructure and Energy Sector Manager, Manager CC: of the Andean Country Group, Country Representative in Ecuador, Chief of the Energy Division, Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit, and Chief of the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department Managemen...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Ecuador - 2018
  7. Complaint > Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization of Metropolitan Public Transport, and of Government Offices Project

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President of Countries, Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge, Office of the Executive Vice President, Country Department Southern Cone, Manager of the Infrastructure and Energy Sector, Country Representative for Paraguay, Environmental Safeguards Unit RE: Management Response to Request Ref: Case MICI-BID-PR-2016-0101. Paraguay: “Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization Metropolitan Public Transport, Govern...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Paraguay - 2016
  8. Complaint > Land Administration Project

    Management Response: 38-Management Response Annexes (English)

    ...President: Marcelino Dolmo Vice President: Sotero Mejia Secretary: Feliza Norales Treasurer: Martha Figueroa Fiscal: Virgilia Velásquez I Chairperson: Lucas Martinez II Chairperson: Alejandro Miguel III Chairperson: Sandro Rivas IV Chairperson: Cesar Aquino Mesa Local Comunidad de Sangrelaya, Iriona, Colón. President: Justino Fernández Vicepresident: Francisco Ortiz Dol...

    WB Inspection Panel - Honduras - 2006
  9. Complaint > Railroad General Roca Improvement Program - Constitución - La Plata Line

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President, Vice President for Countries, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Infrastructure and Energy Sector Manager, cc: Southern Cone Manager, Representative in Argentina, Environmental Safeguards Unit Chief, and Chief of the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department Management Response to the Notice of Request Registration and Req...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Argentina - 2019
  10. Complaint > Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program- Request III

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President, Vice President for Countries, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge, Infrastructure and Energy Sector Manager, Southern CC: Cone Manager, Representative in Argentina, Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit Chief, and Chief of the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department Management Response to the Notice of Request Registration and Request ...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Argentina - 2019
  11. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, Africa, and the Acting Senior Vice President and General Counsel . (A copy is attached as Attachment I .) 3. “The funding is being improperly diverted from the Power VI hydro-electric project and this diversion of funds appears to be the result of political or non-economic influences. Article V Section 1 (g), IDA Articles of Agreement”. L There is no evidence adduced by the Requesters to substantiate the claim that Management’s actions o...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  12. Complaint > Tietê Várzea Program

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Vice President for Countries Santiago Levy, Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge Pablo Pereira Dos Santos, Manager, Infrastructure and Energy Sector Hugo Florez Timoran, Country Representative in Brazil Janine Ferretti, Chief, Environmental Safeguards Unit Laura Profeta, Chief, Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Brazil - 2016
  13. Complaint > Bilt Paper-02/Sipitang

    Management Response: IFC Management Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report - Bilt-02 - May 15, 2018

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 2 Annex: IFC Tabulated Management Response: Bilt Paper B.V. CAO Finding IFC's Response Actions Taken or Proposed IFC Appraisal 1 Given a range of significant Agree. NIA potential E&S risks and imp...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Malaysia
  14. Complaint > India Infrastructure Fund-01/Dhenkanal District

    Management Response: IFC's Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report: India Infrastructure Fund

    ...Vice President Vice President and General Counsel Global Client Services Corporate Risk & Sustainability [FC Management Response to CAO -4- October 27,2015 Investigation Report on IIF AnnexA DRAFT ACTION PLAN # ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India
  15. Complaint > PNG SEZ-01/Madang Province

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Ombudsman Assessment Report:Â Complaint regarding the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Project in Papua New Guinea, April 11, 2012

    ...Vice President, CAPVP EXTENSION: 5755+8188 / 852- -2509-8188 SUBJECT: CAO Ombusdman Assessment Report: Complaint regarding the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Project in Papua New Guinea I refer to your memo of 24 February to Rashad Kaldany inviting IFC to respond to the CAO’s assessment report on the complaint against IFC Project 564427 on Special Economic Zones in Papua New Guinea. I thank you for your work with the complainants and the Government of PNG to resolve the dis...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Papua New Guinea - 2012
  16. Complaint > Mindoro Resources-01/Jabonga

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Ombudsman Assessment Report: Complaint regarding Mindoro Resources Ltd. (#26987, Philippines), May 9, 2012

    ...Vice President, CAPVP EXTENSION: 5755+8188 SUBJECT: CAO Ombudsman Assessment Report: Complaint regarding Mindoro Resources Ltd. (#26987, Philippines) I refer to your memo of 27 April to Rashad Kaldany inviting IFC to respond to the CAO’s assessment report on the complaint against Mindoro Resources Ltd. (MRL) in the Philippines. I thank you and your team’s work with the complainants to resolve the dispute and provide the following response from IFC: IFC notes ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Philippines - 2012
  17. Complaint > Upper Egypt Local Development Program for Results

    Management Response: Management Memorandum

    ...Vice-President, GGSVP 32823 SUBJECT: Upper Egypt Local Development Program for Results (Pl 57395) The Upper Egypt Local Development Program for Results (UELDP), through a sub-project in Gerga district's (Sohag govemorate) supports the backfilling of a small open canal of 200 m length passing through the village's built area. The cover of the canal will reduce health risk exposure and create a public recreational space. Implementation...

    WB Inspection Panel - Egypt - 2019
  18. Complaint > Improving Rural Livelihoods through Carbon Sequestration Project

    Management Response: 80-Management Response (English)

    ...President, The World Bank Group; (ii) Email of December 28, 2011 addressed to Ms. Rachel Kyte, Vice President, Sustainable Development Network, The World Bank; (iii) Powerpoint presentation highlighting the concerns sent to Ms. Rachel Kyte, Vice President (SDN), The World Bank; (iv) Trail of emails between VCCSL and BioCF ending March 7, 2012; (v) Open letter dated September 30, 2011 addressed to Ms. Ellysar Bar...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2010
  19. Complaint > Transport Sector Support Project and its Additional Financing

    Management Response: Management RAP Audit ToRs for Webuye

    ...Vice-President, GGIVP ~ EXTENSION: 30655 SUBJECT: Kenya: Transport Sector Support Project (P124109) and Additional Financing (Pl46630) As per your request, please find attached the terms ofreference (TO Rs) for the audit of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) that Bank Management will commission in response to complaints from affected people at. the Webuye Interchange, to ensure that all affected parties were appropriately identified in the...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2018
  20. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Enhanced Action Plan - Status and Way Forward (English)

    ...Vice President has assigned the Development Effectiveness Unit the responsibility for monitoring PID disclosure and updates at the appraisal stage; following up with concerned task teams as necessary; and conducting ex­ post monitoring of timely disclosure of PAD, PD, Letter of Development Policy, and Tranche Release Document. This Unit will submit to Regional Management a monthly report on progress made and specific recommendations for addressing any...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
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