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  1. Complaint > Power Development Project

    Management Response: 87-Update-Management Action Plan (English)

    ...vices in rural areas; and improve the supply and accountability of electricity. 3. The PDP was implemented during a tumultuous period of Nepal’s history. Following a ten-year civil war that in 2006 replaced a centuries-old monarchy with multiparty democra- cy, Nepal remains at a crossroads, facing serious development challenges in a context of con- tinuing political uncertainty. Energy continues to be a key constraint to development in Nepal for a range of reasons, including weak instituti...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 2013
  2. Complaint > Power Development Project

    Management Response: 87-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice-Presidency IPN Inspection Panel ISDS Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet KD Transmission Line Khimti-Dhalkebar Transmission Line KDTL-EMU Khimti-Dhalkebar Environment Management Unit LAHURNIP Lawyers’ Association for the Human Rights of Nepalese Indigenous Peoples MOE Ministry of Energy NEA Nepal Electricity Authority NEFIN Nepal Federation of Indigenous Natio...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 2013