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How Should IAMs Choose Mediators?
November 2022
In this month’s edition of the Console Newsletter, Research Associate Lama Almoayed looks into the use of mediators by IAMs. Mediators are experts that are hired by IAMs to help facilitate dispute resolution processes. To better understand what makes a dispute resolution reach mutual agreement, we need to know more about the mediators who facilitate these conversations, how they’re chosen, and what makes them successful.
Research: How should IAMs choose mediators?
By Lama Almoayed — Nov. 7, 2022
Accountability Spotlight
Noteworthy updates on Bank and IAM policy and practice
IAMs and CSOs discuss reform at IAMNet 19th Annual Meeting in NYC
At the end of October, the Independent Accountability Mechanism Network (IAMNet) held its 19th annual meeting in New York City. Civil society representatives participated for one day of meetings and offered recommendations on how IAMs’ practices and policies can be improved to make the accountability mechanism ecosystem more effective for project-affected communities. Accountability Counsel wrote up a summary of the discussions and recommendations here.