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Country: Brazilx


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Project Country Bank Complaints
Amaggi Expansion-01/IFC Executive Vice President Request Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Anima Educacao Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Blumenau Urban Sustainable Mobility Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Blumenau Urban Sustainable Mobility Program, on behalf of 800 residents of the neighborhood of Ponta Aguda in Blumenau Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Blumenau's Sustainable Urban Mobility Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Drainage, roads, water supply and sewerage in the low areas of Belem Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Program (PROMABEN) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Program - PROMABEN Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Estrada Real - Network of Tourism SMEs Mina Gerais State Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Globalbix Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Integrated Urban Development and Social Inclusion Program of Aracaju Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Itaparica Resettlement and Irrigation Project Brazil World Bank 1
Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 1st Request Brazil World Bank 1
Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 2nd Request Brazil World Bank 1
Low-Income Neighborhood Improvement Program - Habitar Brasil Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - North Section (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - Northern Section 2 (2012) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - Northern Sections 1 and 2 (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel - Western Section (2010) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section (2015) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section - Request II (2015) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section 1 (2011) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Parana Biodiversity Project Brazil World Bank 1
Proyecto Rodoanel Mario Covas - Tramo Norte Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Rondonia Natural Resources Management Project Brazil World Bank 1
Santa Catarina Logistics Infrastructure Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics System Socioenvironmental Recovery Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
São José dos Campos Urban Structuring Program- Request II Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
São José dos Campos Urban Structuring Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Tietê Várzeas Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Tietê Várzea Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 4
Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 3
Alternative Microinsurance Platform in Brasil (MIF) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Strategic Program for Transportation Infrastructure and Logistics in Paraná Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project Brazil World Bank 1
Teresina Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life Project Additional Financing Brazil World Bank 1
On Telecom Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Wow Nutrition Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Maués Integrated Sanitation Program - PROSAIMAUÉS Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Project Viva Cidade 2 Environmental Revitalization and Urban Municipality Joinvi Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
São José dos Campos Urban Structuring Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
The Acre Sustainable Development Program (PDSA-II) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Sanitation for Nova Estrada Watershed - PROMABEN II Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Strategic Program for Transportation Infrastructure and Logistics in Paran√° Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Piaui Pillars of Growth and Social Inclusion Project Brazil World Bank 1
Valor Brazil IFC/MIGA 1
Macambira-Anicuns Urban Environmental Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Environmental Sanitation, Macrodrainage, and Recovery Project for the Igarapés and the Banks of the Parauapebas River Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 0
Environmental Sanitation, Macrodrainage, and Recovery Project for the Igarapés and the Banks of the Parauapebas River/PA Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
National Tourism Development Program in Bahia (PRODETUR NATIONAL-Bahia) Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2
Serra do Mar and Atlantic Forest Mosaics System Socioenvironmental Recovery Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
City Of Sao Paulo Health Care Networks Restructuring and Quality Certification Project - AVANÇA SAÚDE SP Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
São José dos Campos Urban Structuring Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 1
Curitiba's Sustainable Urban Mobility Program Brazil Inter-American Development Bank 2