North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project | Accountability Console
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North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project




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Project Information

Investment ID: 50271

Bank: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Environmental Category: A

Country: Georgia

Region: Europe and Central Asia

Approval Date: Oct. 2, 2019

Investment Types: Loans

Total Project Cost: EUR 497.3 million

Total Complaints: 1


Provision of a sovereign loan to Georgia to co-finance the construction of the Tskere-Kobi tunnel (EBRD Project), which forms part of the Kvesheti-Kobi road section (the Project), located on the Jinvali-Larsi Road (North-South Corridor). The central section of the corridor connecting Kvesheti to Kobi needs to be fully realigned. The existing 35-km road is unsafe, experiences heavy traffic, and is difficult to maintain in winter, resulting in road closure for extended periods during winter. A new 23-km bypass road from Kvesheti to Kobi will be built to allow more traffic to travel on it safely, and will remain fully operational all year; it will also provide 5km of all-weather rural roads that will serve roadside villages. The Project will include five tunnels with a total length of about 11.6 km (the longest of which is about 9 km), and six bridges with a total length of about 1.6 km.


Investment Type ID Amount Status Bank Client
Loans 50271 EUR 53.4 million Disbursing EBRD Goergia Sovereign

Related Complaints

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development IPAM Complaints IAM Country Date Filed Status
North-South Corridor (Kvesheti-Kobi) Road Project EBRD IPAM Georgia 27/09/2019 Monitoring


Name Complaints Dispute Resolutions DR Successful Compliance Reviews Non-Compliance
Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia