Alto Maipo-02/Cajon del Maipo | Accountability Console
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Alto Maipo-02/Cajon del Maipo


Gender-based violence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about incidents of or an increase in abusive behavior perpetrated because of a person's gender, or against people of a particular gender. This can include overt physical abuse, psychological abuse, deprivation of resources needed for physical or psychological wellbeing, and treatment of people as commodities.

Complaints with this Issue: 17

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about violations of appropriate labor standards related to the project, including issues regarding compensation, workplace conditions, retaliation, and child or forced labor.

Complaints with this Issue: 104

Browse Complaints

Retaliation (actual or feared)

Description: Complaint raises concerns about incidents or risk of harm against those who have raised concerns about the project perpetrated by the project company, government, public or private security forces, or other individuals acting on behalf of project proponents. Retaliation may include discrimination, slander, threats, denial of services, unfounded judicial proceedings, and termination of employment. Concerns regarding specific incidents of violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 71

Browse Complaints



Description: Project relates to energy access, legal frameworks regarding the energy sector, and development and operation of energy infrastructure, including power generation and electric and gas distribution and storage. Projects specifically related to the extraction of oil and gas are not included.

Complaints in this Sector: 355

Browse Complaints


Name: Alto Maipo

Investments: IFC 31632

Client: Alto Maipo SpA

Support: Loans

Country: Chile


IAM: Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman (CAO)

ID: chile-alto-maipo-02cajon-del-maipo

Date Filed: July 5, 2017

Status: Monitoring


CAO received a complaint filed by Sandra Atisha, a former worker with the AES Gener Foundation and resident of the Cajon del Maipo, whose work focused on the Alto Maipo project. The complaint alleges that while she was working for the company, she was sexually harassed by one of her colleagues. The complainant raises concerns with regards to the appropriateness of the companys response to her reporting the harassment internally, and thus to the proper functioning of the companys internal grievance mechanism.

Complaint Stages


July 5, 2017



Start Date: July 5, 2017


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Not offered by mechanism, Stage is not practiced by mechanism


July 5, 2017 -

Dec. 1, 2017


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: July 5, 2017

End Date: Dec. 1, 2017

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Actor(s) involved refused to participate, Company or government refused to go through dispute resolution

Compliance Review

Aug. 1, 2018 -

July 16, 2021

Compliance Review

Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Aug. 1, 2018

End Date: July 16, 2021

Has Compliance Report: Yes

Non-Compliance Found: Yes


July 16, 2021


Status: In Progress

Start Date: July 16, 2021


Not Closed


Related Complaints

Project IAM Country Date Filed Status
Alto Maipo-01/Cajon del Maipo IFC CAO Chile 24/01/2017 Monitoring