West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project (P162337) Global Environment Facility (GEF) (P092289) | Accountability Console
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West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project (P162337) Global Environment Facility (GEF) (P092289)


Community health and safety

Description: Complaint raises concerns related to public health and safety including incidents of or an increase in accidents, release of hazardous materials, and spread of diseases. Concerns related to retaliation and/or violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 363

Browse Complaints

Cultural heritage

Description: Complaint raises concerns about impacts on any type of tangible or intangible cultural heritage, including significant sites, unique environmental features, cultural knowledge, and traditional lifestyles.

Complaints with this Issue: 120

Browse Complaints

Displacement (physical and/or economic)

Description: Complaint raises concerns about physical relocation, loss of shelter, and/or loss of assets that relate to income or livelihood.

Complaints with this Issue: 494

Browse Complaints

Due diligence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about inadequate or absent prior investigation of project impacts.

Complaints with this Issue: 486

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about impacts on the means by which people make a living, including wage-based income, trade and bartering, agriculture, fishing, foraging, and other natural-resource based means.

Complaints with this Issue: 345

Browse Complaints


Community capacity and development

Description: Project relates to programs targeted at training, capacity-building, and/or enabling public participation for specific groups within the community.

Complaints in this Sector: 112

Browse Complaints

Conservation and environmental protection

Description: Project relates to preservation or management of the natural environment, legal frameworks regarding environmental protection or pollution, and carbon sequestration or other climate change mitigation activities.

Complaints in this Sector: 62

Browse Complaints


Description: Project relates to energy access, legal frameworks regarding the energy sector, and development and operation of energy infrastructure, including power generation and electric and gas distribution and storage. Projects specifically related to the extraction of oil and gas are not included.

Complaints in this Sector: 353

Browse Complaints


Description: Project relates to an industry that does not fit in one of the other sectors. Projects about which there is no publicly available information regarding the industry are also included.

Complaints in this Sector: 595

Browse Complaints

Regulatory Development

Description: Project relates specifically to development or reform of legal frameworks, including laws and regulations.

Complaints in this Sector: 169

Browse Complaints


The Requesters allege that the Bank-financed Project has aggravated their poverty and caused unemployment in their community by banning and displacing fishing activities. The Requesters claim that the Project did not properly evaluate their cultural heritage and places of worship. They also allege that the Project has not analyzed all the adverse effects and has misjudged the harm caused by the Project in their locality. In addition, the Requesters allege that although they were initially identified as Project Affected Persons (PAP), they were eventually excluded from being considered as such.

Complaint Stages


Oct. 31, 2022



Start Date: Oct. 31, 2022


Oct. 31, 2022 -

Jan. 24, 2023


Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Good faith requirement not met


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Compliance Review

Not Undertaken

Compliance Review

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint was originally found ineligible or not registered


Not Closed
