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  1. Complaint > Highlands Water Project - Phase 1B, 2nd Request

    Eligibility: 15-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requester 5 Motete Diamonds (Pty) Limited Fifth Requester 6 Rampai Diamonds (Pty) Limited Sixth Requester 7 Josias van Zyl Seventh Requester 8 Josias van Zyl Family Trust Eighth Requester 9 Burmilla Trust Ninth Requester Together "the Requesters" The Request comprises this Requ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1999
  2. Complaint > Quilleco Hydropower Project

    Eligibility: 67-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, which was complemented by clarifications on May 26 (dated May 24, 2010) (the ―Request‖). The Request was submitted by residents of Tucapel, Santa Bárbara, Ralco Lepoy, and Concepción (the ―Requesters‖) in the Biobío region of Chile.2 The Requesters have asked in their correspondences that the Panel keep their names confidential. 2. The Panel registered this Request on June 18, 2010, and notified the Executive Directors and the President of the Int...

    WB Inspection Panel - Chile - 2010
  3. Complaint > Governance Promotion Adjustment Loan

    Eligibility: 25-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...request does assert that there is new evidence or circumstances not known at the time of the prior request."46 36. For purposes of determining the eligibility of the Request and the Requesters, the Panel reviewed the Request and Management’s Response. Panel Members met World Bank officials in Washington, D.C. The Panel’s Chairman Edward S. Ayensu47 visited Papua New Guinea in March to establish eligibility of the Request and the Requesters. In ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2001
  4. Complaint > Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...Request On August 6, 1996 a group of Bangladesh citizens signed and sent this Request addressed to the Inspection Panel Office in Washington, D.C. On November 13, 1996 the Requesters contacted the Panel to inquire about the processing of their Request. The Panel advised them that it had never received the Request and had to ask them to re-submit it. On November 25, 1996 the Panel notified the Executive Directors and IDA President of receipt of the Request. The Panel subsequently ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Bangladesh - 1996
  5. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Eligibility: 57-Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...REQUESTERS Provide translation of the PD to the Completed (June 2009). Requesters acknowledged receipt of this translation. Requesters and other interested stakeholders. Invite the Requesters to meet at Completed (May 30, 2009; September 6, 2009). Requesters also met with the Regional Vice their convenience with Bank President (November 8, 2009). They were systematically invited to relevant events held in representatives to inform them Sana’a. about plans for the translati...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  6. Complaint > Power VI Project

    Eligibility: Inspection Panel Report and Recommendation

    ...Request for Inspection TANZANIA: Power VI Project (Credit No. 2489-TA) Below is (A) Background information, (B) a Process note, and (C) the Inspection Panel’s (‘Panel”) on whether or not there should be an investigation (“Recommendation”) into allegations made in the above-referenced Request for Inspection (“Request”). Annex 1 contains the Request. The Management’s reply to the Request is provided in Annex 2. A. Background ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tanzania - 1995
  7. Complaint > Dinant-02/Rio Aguan

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report - Dinant 02 and 03 - February 2017 (English)

    ...President Zelaya may have had to fulfill his commitments was cut short due to his early exit from the Presidential term on June 28, 2009, qualified by some parties as a coup d’état.  According to the Company, between the period of 2010-2012, a process was put in place by the Government of Honduras to reduce tensions, whereby MUCA was able to acquire land. The process, which started in April 2010, was set up as a direct response to the violence and tension among groups that, in their v...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras - 2017
  8. Complaint > Dinant-03/Aguan Valley

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report - Dinant 02 and 03 - February 2017 (English)

    ...President Zelaya may have had to fulfill his commitments was cut short due to his early exit from the Presidential term on June 28, 2009, qualified by some parties as a coup d’état.  According to the Company, between the period of 2010-2012, a process was put in place by the Government of Honduras to reduce tensions, whereby MUCA was able to acquire land. The process, which started in April 2010, was set up as a direct response to the violence and tension among groups that, in their v...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras - 2017
  9. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 54-First Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection (the “Second Request”) related to the same above-referenced Project. Mr. Bidimu Kamunga, resident of Likasi, Katanga, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, submitted the Request acting as President of “le Collectif des Ex-agents Gécamines ODV” (“the Collective of VDO [Voluntary Departures Operation] of former Gécamines employees”). The Request included 14 signatures of other members of the collective. The Panel registered this Second Request on March...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  10. Complaint > Electric Interconnection System for the Central American Countries (SIEPAC)

    Eligibility: Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum

    ...Request and Eligibility Determination 1.1 Ms. Yamileth Román Segura, President of the SIEPAC‐La Alfombra Committee representing the community of La Alfombra (the Requester), submitted on February 2nd, 2011 before the Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (ICIM) 1 a request concerning the environmental and social impacts that a section of the SIEPAC will likely have on the community she represents (the Request). 1.2 The Requester claims that the proj...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Costa Rica - 2011
  11. Complaint > Natural Resource Management Project

    Eligibility: 84 - Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...requested the Board to approve the Panel’s recommendation to process this Request as part of the ongoing investigation relating to the first Request for Inspection. The Panel proposed to verify the technical eligibility of the Requesters and the Request during the planned investigation visit. The Board approved the Panel’s request to process the second Request jointly with the first Request and, if deemed eligible, that the Panel address the claims presented in this additional Request in the con...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2013
  12. Complaint > Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request

    Eligibility: 47-Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...Requesters nor respond to their complaints at that time. On July 25, 2007 the Requesters filed a request for inspection. 26. Meetings with Requesters regarding the Jale Demolitions. During the course of the Inspection Panel investigation, Management met with the Requesters on two occasions and with a representative in Tirana, Albania on several occasions. In March 2008, Management met with the Requesters in Jale. In November 2008, senior staff met with the Requesters in Jale, followed by an...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  13. Complaint > Rural Land Titling & Registration Project in Peru - Third Phase

    Eligibility: Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

    ...Request. August 31, 2015 Telephone call with Requesters regarding Request and MICI process. Granting of a maximum period of 10 business days to the Requesters to September 1, 2015 submit additional information required to process the Request. September 2, 2015 Receipt of additional information requested of the Requesters. September 3, 2015 Registration of the Request and notice to the...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Peru - 2016
  14. Complaint > Panama Canal Expansion Program

    Eligibility: Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum

    ...Request for a 45-day period to provide management and the Requesters with the opportunity to listen and address the issues raised in the Request. As per the request of Management and the Requesters, this period was extended for another 45 days until January 17, 2012. During this ninety-day period, the Requesters, the Executing Agency and the Bank’s team were able to understand the scope of the Request and exchange information about the Project. On December 21, 2011, the parties met in Panama Cit...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Panama - 2012
  15. Complaint > Santiago-Valparaiso-Viña Toll Road Guarantee

    Eligibility: Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

    ...Request is filed by a representative, the identity of the Requesters on whose behalf the Request is filed will be indicated and written proof of representation will be attached. b. The Request clearly identifies a Bank-Financed Operation that has been approved by the Board, the President, or the Donors Committee. c. The Request describes the Harm that could result from potential ...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Chile - 2016
  16. Complaint > Mining Development and Environmental Control Assistance Project

    Eligibility: 20-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Request for Inspection (the "Request") related to the above- mentioned project. (Annex 1). The Panel registered the Request in the Panel’s Register on December 17, 1999 ("Registration") as required under the Panel’s Operating Procedures). 1 It also delivered a copy of the Request to the President of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD" or "the Bank"). A. THE LOAN 2. The Ecuador Mining Development and Environmental ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ecuador - 1999
  17. Complaint > Alto Maipo Hydroelectric Power Project

    Eligibility: Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

    ...Requesters on whose behalf the Request is filed will be indicated and written proof of representation will be attached. b. The Request clearly identifies a Bank-financed operation that has been approved by the Board, the President, or the Donors Committee. c. The Request describes the Harm that could result from potential noncompliance with one or more Relevant Operational Policies. d. The Request describes the efforts that the Requeste...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Chile - 2017
  18. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 1st Request

    Eligibility: 14-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requesters and the public in a concise manner about the existence of a Request for Inspection and its main content. It does not and cannot be construed as implying any judgement on the eligibility of the Request. Paragraph 16 of the Panel’s Operating Procedures provides that the “Chairperson, on the basis of the information contained in the Request, shall either promptly register the Request, or ask for additional information, or find the Request outside t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1998
  19. Complaint > TCBuen-01/Buenaventura

    Eligibility: Ombudsman Assessment Report: Complaint regarding TCBuen S.A., Buenaventura - Colombia, August 2010

    ...President of each JAC meets with company representatives on a weekly basis at the Employment Committee where, together with the subcontractor for the construction of the port and a member of the JAL, decisions are made about how neighbors are employed in the project. Additionally, they maintain an open-door policy for all JAC and hold meetings with them whenever they are requested to. In two occasions, the General Manager has met with JAC members of La Inmaculada and Santa Fe...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Colombia - 2010
  20. Complaint > Ingenio Montelimar-01/Montelimar Environs

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report - Montelimar-01 - February 2016 - English

    ...requested the intervention of both CAO’s Dispute Resolution and Compliance functions. AMBeD is represented by its Board, and the organization has requested that all the other members’ names be kept confidential at this time for the purpose of this complaint. 3. ASSESSMENT PROCESS 3.1 Methodology The purpose of a CAO assessment is to clarify the issues and concerns raised by the complainants, to gather information on how the company and other stakeholders see the situation, and to determin...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Nicaragua - 2016
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