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  1. Complaint > Governance Promotion Adjustment Loan

    Management Response: 25-Management Response (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ 01/4 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Governance Promotion Adjustment Loan (GPAL), entered into between The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (“The Borrower”) and IBRD (“The Bank”). II. THE REQUEST 2. The Request for Inspection to the Bank’s Inspection Panel was submitted by the Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights, Inc. (CELCOR), located in Papua New Guinea, which is acti...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2001
  2. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Response: 37-Management Response (English)

    ...Request concerns two projects, the EESRSP (Credit No. 3824- DRC and Grant No. H064-DRC) and the TSERO (Report 33785- ZR). A third Credit, the Economic Recovery Credit (ERC) (Credit No.3660-DRC) is also mentioned in the Re- quest, and will be addressed in paragraph 53 below. 7. Relevance of the Projects to the Concerns Expressed in the Request. The focus of the Request relates to Bank support to DRC in the forest sector. More specifically, the Request says that the Bank is using these Proj...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  3. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Management Response: 70-Management Response (English)

    ...President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, IFC March 3, 2009 President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, World Bank March 30, 2009 President, IFC President, Republic of Uzbekistan March 3, 2009 President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, World Bank April 15, 2009 President, World Bank President, Republic of Uzbekistan Sept 11, 2009 Sector Manager, Energy, World Bank Fi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  4. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Enhanced Action Plan - Status and Way Forward (English)

    ...Requesters and other interested stakeholders in June 2009 and the Requesters acknowledged receipt of this translation. A meeting with the Requesters was held on May 30, 2009 (during which the Requesters expressed their concerns and discussed ways to strengthen communications with the Bank). A further meeting took place on September 6,2009, during which progress in implementing the IRDPG was discussed in detail. Discussions revealed considerable distrust by the Requesters of the Government and of...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  5. Complaint > Development Forestry Sector Management Project

    Management Response: 69-Management Response (English)

    ...Request. 5. Management asks that the Panel consider this Request ineligible for investigation because Management did not have the opportunity to address the concerns raised by the Requesters before the Request was filed. Based on an extensive review of available information, Management has concluded that there has been no direct communication by the Requesters with Bank Management or staff expressing the concerns raised in this Request. This is despite the fact that one of the Requesters, ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Liberia - 2010
  6. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 2nd Request

    Management Response: 18-Management Response (English)

    ...Requesters”). The Second Request was submitted after the Inspection Panel, responding to the First Request, communicated to the Board on May 27, 1999 that “the Panel does not recommend an investigation of the matters alleged in the Request.” 1.2 As the Panel indicates in its Notice of Registration, the Second Request contains substantially the same allegations as the original Request. On the basis of what the Requesters describe as new information from a sub-set of 39 properties 2 (already ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1999
  7. Complaint > Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization of Metropolitan Public Transport, and of Government Offices Project

    Management Response: Consideration by the Board of Executive Directors of the Recommendation and ToRs

    ...Requesters indicate that they are particularly concerned because, at the time of submission of their Request, construction work was about to begin. On 29 June 2016, the MICI received Management’s Response, and on 26 July 2016 the Request was declared eligible by the MICI Director. Since the Requesters had asked that their Request be processed for both MICI phases, the Request was transferred to the Consultation Phase. On 29 September 2016, the Consultation Phase team issued its Assessment Report...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Paraguay - 2017
  8. Complaint > National Drainage Program Project

    Management Response: 34-Management Response (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ04/5 (hereafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Pakistan National Drainage Program (NDP) Project partly financed (Credit No. 2999) by the In- ternational Development Association (IDA). 2. Structure of the Text. The document contains the following sections: Section II provides information on the Request. Section III presents the background of the project, including the history of the drainage crisis in Pakistan and earlier projects. The sec...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2004
  9. Complaint > Enso Albania-01/Lengarica

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Audit of IFC Investment in Enso Albania, September 21 2018

    ...President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Legal, Compliance Risk & Sustainability @woRLD BANK GROUP International @IFCI Finance Corporation WORLD BANK GROUP Annex. IF...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Albania
  10. Complaint > Phase 1B of Lesotho Highlands Water Project, 1st Request

    Management Response: 12-Management Response (English)

    ...request is made. It is the view of the Bank Management on the basis of the reasons specified below, that the Requesters do not meet these requirements. 4. According to the Request, the Requesters are individual residents of Alexandra, a community located in the territory of the Republic of South Africa (hereafter referred to as South Africa). The Requesters have indicated to the Panel that they intended to remain anonymous. It is the Bank Management's view that the Requesters do not meet...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1998
  11. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Management Response: Management Response Addendum(English)

    ...REQUEST FOR INSPECTION UPDATE November 27, 2017 1. Management is providing this update to its Response to the Request for Inspection to apprise the Board and Panel of the most recent developments regarding the issues raised in the Request, and to summarize the actions the Bank will take immediately and over the next few weeks. Management submitted its Response to the Panel on October 20, 2017. Subsequently,...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  12. Complaint > Highlands Water Project - Phase 1B, 2nd Request

    Management Response: 15-Management Response (English)

    ...President of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank), by which the Chairman of the Inspection Panel requested Bank Management to provide the Panel with written evidence that it has complied, or intends to comply, with the relevant policies and procedures in the implementation of the Project referenced above. I. Summary Account of the Request 2. The Request is filed by a group of nine mining com...

    WB Inspection Panel - Lesotho - 1999
  13. Complaint > Transport Sector Support Project and its Additional Financing

    Management Response: Management RAP Audit ToRs for Webuye

    ...President, GGIVP ~ EXTENSION: 30655 SUBJECT: Kenya: Transport Sector Support Project (P124109) and Additional Financing (Pl46630) As per your request, please find attached the terms ofreference (TO Rs) for the audit of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) that Bank Management will commission in response to complaints from affected people at. the Webuye Interchange, to ensure that all affected parties were appropriately identified in the RAP ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2018
  14. Complaint > Reventazon HPP-01

    Management Response: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group. The CAO is not a court or legal enforcement mechanism and nor is CAO a substitute for international court systems or court systems in host countries. Nothing contained herein nor in CAO's reports constitutes evidence or gives rise to any legal claims against IFC or is intended as a waiver of any of IFC's privileges and immunities under its Articles of Agreement or any other applicable law, and IFC reserves all rights. 2 3 The ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Costa Rica
  15. Complaint > Bilt Paper-02/Sipitang

    Management Response: IFC Management Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report - Bilt-02 - May 15, 2018

    ...President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 2 Annex: IFC Tabulated Management Response: Bilt Paper B.V. CAO Finding IFC's Response Actions Taken or Proposed IFC Appraisal 1 Given a range of significant Agree. NIA potential E&S risks and impacts ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Malaysia
  16. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Response: 89-Management Response and Addendum (English)

    ...Request vi. The Request for Inspection was submitted by three NGOs on behalf of others who declare they live in project regions. The Requesters claim that RESP II has harmed those they represent and their communities through the inadequacy of the project’s measures to prevent Bank funds from contributing to “Government orchestrated forced labor” in the iii Uzbekistan cotton sector. The Requesters claim that the Bank is noncompliant with OP/BP 4.0...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  17. Complaint > Nairobi Metropolitan Services Improvement Project

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...Request; and Section V presents Management’s response. Annex 1 contains the Requesters’ claims, together with Management’s detailed responses, in table format. Annex 2 provides timelines of Project planning and stakeholder consultation. II. THE REQUEST 3. The Request for Inspection was submitted by three residents of the Muthurwa area in Nairobi, Kenya, who have requested confidentiality (hereafter referred to as the “Requesters”). 4. The Request r...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2019
  18. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Responses to Questions from the Requesters and the Inspection Panel

    ...Requesters and the Inspection Panel September 2010 • The Requesters would like to know whether or not the Bank acted on remarks submitted by civil society organizations (the Requesters indicate that they “cannot be sure or absolutely certain that observations and views expressed by civil society during consultations are translated into reality and actually adopted by the Bank or are merely a formality”): Stakeholder consultations, when properly organ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  19. Complaint > Lydian Intl3-01/Gndevaz & Jermuk

    Management Response: IFC's Management Response to CAO Investigation Report - July 2017

    ...President and General Counsel Vice President Legal, Risk Compliance & Sustainability 2 Annex. IFC Tabulated Management Response: Lydian International CAO Findings IFC’s Response Actions Taken1 or Proposed Findings Related to IFC’s Environmental and Social Pre-Investment Revi...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Armenia
  20. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Response: 26-Management Response (English)

    ...request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ02/1 (hereafter referred to as Request II) concerning the Yacyretá Hydroelectric Project. This is the second time the Yacyretá Project has been the subject of a Request for Inspection before the Inspection Panel. The first time was in September 1996 and the Request then (INSP/R96-2, hereafter referred to as Request I) raised issues similar, often even identical, to those raised now in Request II. YACYRETÁ PROJECT BACKGROUND 2. Yacyretá is a multi-billi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002