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  1. Complaint > Enso Albania-01/Lengarica

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Audit of IFC Investment in Enso Albania, September 21 2018

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Legal, Compliance Risk & Sustainability @woRLD BANK GROUP International @IFCI Finance Corporation WORLD BANK GROUP Anne...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Albania
  2. Complaint > Lydian Intl3-01/Gndevaz & Jermuk

    Management Response: IFC's Management Response to CAO Investigation Report - July 2017

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President Legal, Risk Compliance & Sustainability 2 Annex. IFC Tabulated Management Response: Lydian International CAO Findings IFC’s Response Actions Taken1 or Proposed Findings Related to IFC’s Environmental and Social Pre-Investment...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Armenia
  3. Complaint > Bidco Bev. & Det.-01/Thika

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Investigation Report - Bidco 01 & 04 - December 2018 - English

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 1 The information in this letter and its enclosures is provided solely in the context of the CAO process, which is a mechanism internal to IFC. Because the CAO is not a court or legal enforcement mechanism, neither this information nor the information to which it responds constitutes evidence or gives rise to any legal claims against IFC. Nothing contained herein nor in CAO's repo...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kenya
  4. Complaint > Bidco-04/Thika

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Investigation Report - Bidco 01 & 04 - December 2018 - English PDF

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 1 The information in this letter and its enclosures is provided solely in the context of the CAO process, which is a mechanism internal to IFC. Because the CAO is not a court or legal enforcement mechanism, neither this information nor the information to which it responds constitutes evidence or gives rise to any legal claims against IFC. Nothing contained herein nor in CAO's repo...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kenya
  5. Complaint > Bujagali Energy-04/Bujagali

    Management Response: English

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Vice President for New Business 2 Annex: IFC Tabulated Management Response: Bujagali 04-06 CAO Finding IFC Response IFC Actions Taken or Proposed 1. IFC did not possess or have access to labor Staff assigned to this project were amongst Since the launch of the IFC P...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Uganda
  6. Complaint > Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project

    Management Response: 108-Apendice a la Respuesta de la Gerencia(español)-21 Dec 2016

    ...Vice-President, GGSVP EXTENSION: 32823 SUBJECT: Colombia: Rio Bogotá Adecuación Hidráulica y Recuperación Ambiental (P111479) – Adenda a la Respuesta de la Gerencia del 11 de Noviembre de 2016. La Gerencia ha acordado con el Prestatario incluir las siguientes acciones en las medidas propuestas presentadas en el párrafo 44 de la Respuesta de la Gerencia del Banco para abordar las preocupaciones adicionales relacionadas con el "Humedal Cortijo-Tibaguy...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2016
  7. Complaint > Ituango Hydropower Plant

    Management Response: Consideration by the Board of Executive Directors of the Recommendation and ToRs

    ...Vice President, Vice Presidency for Countries, Vice Presidency for Sectors and Knowledge, Infrastructure and Energy Sector Manager, Manager of the Andean Group Country Department, Representative in Colombia, Chief of the Environmental and Social Safeguards Unit, Chief of the Sovereign Guaranteed Operations Division of the Legal Department. Re: Preliminary Draft of the Recommendation concerning th...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Colombia - 2019
  8. Complaint > Amaggi Expansion-01/IFC Executive Vice President Request

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Audit Report, November 4, 2005

    ...Vice President, IFC Mr. Declan Duff, Acting VP, Operations Mr. Atul Mehta, Director, LAC Meg Taylor -4- November 4, 2005 Bcc: Amaggi William Bulmer Macodou I. N'Daw Oscar Chemeriniski Robert Horner Peter Neame Marcelo Lessa Kim-See Lim IFC Files CES Files Idesk IFC User Document! 00/00/0000 0:00:00 AM

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Brazil
  9. Complaint > Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project

    Management Response: Summary of Management Actions(English)

    ...President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. The Tables below summarize the Actions proposed by Management in its Report and Recommendations. Table A includes actions that address the Panel’s findings ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2012
  10. Complaint > Private Sector Development and Competitiveness Project, First Request

    Management Response: 54-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President of DRC, 0306/RDC/VPR/CSC/EIC/PK/06, Letter to Managing Director of Gécamines, Issue of mass lay-off at Gécamines, named “Voluntary Departure Pro- gram”, in the framework of the restructuring of this public enterprise in 2003, June 2006 State Minister to the President, PR/MIN.ET/058/vk/2007, Letter to the Prime Minister, Issue of 10,655 Gécamines’ workers laid off in 2003, April 10, 2007 Gécamines, ADG/394/2007, Letter to the State Minister to the President, regarding his letter PR...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2009
  11. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Responses to Questions from the Requesters and the Inspection Panel

    ...vice for Government-led consultations on operations that the Bank supports. In May 2010, the Region took stock of the impact of this advice in an assessment note that was shared with Government in June 2010. Consultations with civil society and beneficiaries in Yemen informed the design of projects such as the Integrated Urban Development Project and the Second Port Cities Development Project. The World Bank office in Sana’a organized a consultation meeting on January 18, 2009, with ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  12. Complaint > Wilmar Group-03/Jambi

    Management Response: IFC's Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report, Wilmar-03

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Corporate Risk & Sustainability

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia
  13. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Response: 89-Management Response and Addendum (English)

    ...Vice- President of the World Bank, Europe and Management also does not have a record of receiving a Central Asia Division letter addressed to the Regional Vice President, Mr. Shigeo Katsu, in September 2013 and notes that Mr. Katsu was • A written case study prepared by Ezgulik in Regional Vice President in 2003-2009. partnership with Bank In...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  14. Complaint > Tax Administration Reform Project

    Management Response: 64-Management Response Annexes (English)

    ...Vice President Income Tax Officers Association 4. Member FBR, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 5. Commissioner of Income Tax, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 6. Vice President Income Tax Officers Association 7. Additional Commissioner of Income Tax 8. Member Income Tax Officers Association 9. Commissioner of Income Tax, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 10. Additiona...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2009
  15. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Response: 26-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, Country Management Unit Director, and Sector Management Unit Directors have engaged in dialogue with ministers and other high level officials from the Governments of Argentina and Paraguay. Finally, the Regional Vice Presidency and the Country Management Unit Director have also maintained close contacts with affected people, NGOs and other civil society groups including through three visits to the project sites by the Bank’s Regional Vice President, during which me etings were or...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  16. Complaint > Reventazon HPP-01

    Management Response: English

    ...vices. Stephanie von Friedeburg Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 6 Disadvantaged or vulnerable status may stem from, inter alia, factors such as "poverty or economic disadvantage, and dependence on unique natural resources." PS I, footnote I 8. 7 PS I, paragraph I 2. ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Costa Rica
  17. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 2nd Request

    Management Response: 18-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President for LAC, Brazil CMU Director, and Bank NGO liaison staff, dialogued with the President of the Bahia Federation of Rural Workers (FETAG). At that time, the President stated, "The Federation is not against the Bank funding agrarian reform in Brazil, and local landless farmers have welcomed the program." He further stated that now that the movement had lost the battle to have the Cédula da Terra blocked (they were not aware that the Second Request was presente...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1999
  18. Complaint > Togo LCT-01/Lome

    Management Response: English

    ...Vice Presid t and General nsel Corporate Risk & Sustainability 2 Annex 1 Findings of IFC's Independent Technical Review To gain an independent third party perspective on the complaint and the project's potential impact on coastal erosion, IFC commissioned, in July 2016, its own technical report, prepared by an internationally-recognized consultancy with direct kn...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Togo
  19. Complaint > Special Structural Adjustment Loan

    Management Response: 17-Management Response (English)

    ...President’s Report or Memorandum of the President similarly submitted in connection with approval of an adjustment loan is explicitly not subject to public disclosure (compare BP 17.50, paras. 6 and 7 with Disclosure Memo footnote 2, which – based on Disclosure Policy para. 50 -- states that “the President’s Report for adjustment operations is … not made available to the public”). Disclosure Policy para. 52 also makes the crucial point that “[t]here is also a need to preserve the integrity of th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina - 1999
  20. Complaint > Vizhinjam-01/Kerala

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Audit Report - February 21, 2018

    ...Vice Presi ent and Gener Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 2 Annex: IFC Tabulated Management Response: Vizhinjam 01-03 CAO Finding IFC's Response Actions Taken or Proposed Preparation and scope of the Advisory Services Project 1 IFC's commitment to oversee the IFC recognized from the start the n...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India