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  1. Complaint > Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization of Metropolitan Public Transport, and of Government Offices Project

    Management Response: Consideration by the Board of Executive Directors of the Recommendation and ToRs

    ...Vice President for Countries; Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge; Manager, Infrastructure and Energy Sector; Country Representative in Paraguay; Chief, Environmental Safeguards Unit. Matter: Management’s comments on the draft document “Recommendation for Compliance Review and Terms of Reference.” Reference: Case MICI-IDB-PR-2016-0101. Paraguay: “Downtown Redevelopment, Modernization of Metr...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Paraguay - 2017
  2. Complaint > Coal Sector Mitigation Project and Coal Sector Rehabitation Project

    Management Response: 23-Management Report on Status of Outstanding Issues

    ...President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, I F C and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, I F C and MIGA This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its content! may not othenvise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. INDIA COAL SECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MITIGATION PROJECT ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2001
  3. Complaint > Red Sea - Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program

    Management Response: 76-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President and Secretary to the Executive Directors and Alternates, Scope of the Mandate of the Inspection Panel: Compensation for Expropriation and Extension of IDA Credits to Ethi- opia dated June 16, 1995. 9 Request for Inspection, August 10, 2011, para 14. 3 Management Response – Red Sea – Dead Sea Water Conveyance Study Program respect to projects, Bank policy and practice is governed by OP/BP 10.00, Investment Lending: Identi...

    WB Inspection Panel - Gaza, Israel, Jordan, West Bank - 2011
  4. Complaint > Energy Loss Reduction Project (Rogun HPP, Tajikistan)

    Management Response: 70-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, World Bank May 26, 2010 ECA Regional Vice President, World Bank Deputy Prime Minister, GOU July 16, 2010 Uzbekistan Acting Country Manager, Deputy Prime Minister, GOU World Bank Aug 5, 2010 President, Republic of Uzbekistan President, World Bank Aug 19, 2010 President, World Bank President, Republic of Uzbekistan Sept 7, 2010 ECA Regional Vice President, World Bank Presiden...

    WB Inspection Panel - Tajikistan, Uzbekistan - 2010
  5. Complaint > Transitional Support for Economic Recovery Credit and Emergency Economic and Social Reunification Support Project

    Management Response: 37-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice-President du Congo 02 Union pour l’émancipation de la femme Esperance Binyuk autochtone « UEFA » Vice-President 03 Centre d’accompagnement des autoc h- Secretary tones pygmées et minoritaires vulnéra- bles « CAMV » 04 Action d’appui pour la protection des Babuya Désiré droits des minorités en Afrique Centrale Accountant « AAPDMAC » 05 Solidarité pour l’innovation des peuples Coordinator autochtones « SIPA » 06 Action pour le regroupeme...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2005
  6. Complaint > Power Sector Generation and Restructuring Project

    Management Response: 46-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President] during the meeting with the Albanian power company KESH to clarify the entire year of 2006 by Dr. Anna Kohen, project scope and assuring CAPBV that any future investment Honorary Citizen of Vlora and Honorary would only be undertaken after an EA that ensured the environ- Member of Civic Alliance for the Protection mental impact is minimal and could be mitigated. Th...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  7. Complaint > Sao Jose dos Campos Urban Structuring Program

    Management Response: Submission of the final document to the Board of Executive Directors for consideration

    ...Vicente Fretes, Chief of the Fiscal and Municipal Management Division CC: Vice President of Countries, Vice President of Sectors and Knowledge, Manager of the Institutions for Development Sector, Manager of the Infrastructure and Environment Sector, Manager of the Southern Cone Countries, Country Representative for Brazil, Chief of the Environmental Safeguards Unit, Chief of the Transportation Di...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Brazil - 2016
  8. Complaint > Natural Resource Management Project

    Management Response: 84-Management Response (English)

    ...vice KWS Kenya Wildlife Service MoFW Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife MP Member of Parliament MSSP Ministry of State for Special Programs NGO Nongovernmental Organization NIB National Irrigation Board NRM Natural Resource Management NRMP Natural Resource Management Project OP Operational Policy PAD Project Appraisal Document PAP Project Affected Person PDO Project Development Objective PF Process Framework PS Permanent Secre...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2013
  9. Complaint > Power Development Project

    Management Response: 87-Update-Management Action Plan (English)

    ...vices in rural areas; and improve the supply and accountability of electricity. 3. The PDP was implemented during a tumultuous period of Nepal’s history. Following a ten-year civil war that in 2006 replaced a centuries-old monarchy with multiparty democra- cy, Nepal remains at a crossroads, facing serious development challenges in a context of con- tinuing political uncertainty. Energy continues to be a key constraint to development in Nepal for a range of reasons, including weak instituti...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nepal - 2013
  10. Complaint > Development Forestry Sector Management Project

    Management Response: 69-Management Response (English)

    ...Presidential Commission to look into GWs charges. 16 The PAD includes reference to medium term objectives in the Results Framework; though these are not reflected in the Grant Agreement. 17 See Office Memorandum- September 6, 2006 from Country Director to Regional Vice President. 12 Development Forestry Sector Management Project to improve forest governance, training; technical assistance; sectoral, technical, and capacity ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Liberia - 2010
  11. Complaint > Rural Land Titling & Registration Project in Peru - Third Phase

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...President of AIDESEP, in relation to the project entitled “Rural Land Titling and Registration in Peru, Third Phase – PTRT3” (the project). Loan Agreement No. 3370/OC-PE was signed for this project on February 13, 2015 between the Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development Bank (“the Bank”). 1.2 The Requesters allege that: (i) The project failed to comply with the following operational policies of the Bank: (i) Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples (OP...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Peru - 2015
  12. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Management Response: Management Response(English)

    ...vices to the Contractor; (ii) child labor; and (iii) harm to Indigenous Peoples communities, including alleged desecration of graves. 9. Both during and after the first mission, the Requester demanded, orally and in writing, to be given employment under the Project and/or payment for his “investigative services” in connection with the complaint. Bank Management has not agreed to these demands. III. PROJECT BACKGROUND 10. The Project. The High-Priority Roads ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  13. Complaint > Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project, 1st request

    Management Response: 72-Management Response (English)

    ...vice de- livery have not been adequately separated institutionally to reduce conflict of in- terest (given that irrigation accounts for over 90 percent of water use in MP). • Institutional Capacity: There is a need to improve institutional capacity (e.g., trained staff, knowledge base, information systems, and coordination mechan- isms) for integrated water resources management and Irrigation and Drainage service delivery in MP. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2010
  14. Complaint > Western Poverty Reduction Project

    Management Response: 16-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank, assisting NGOs) calls Mark Wilson. Page 46: China - Western Poverty Reduction Project - Request for Inspection Panel Review 18 May EDs’ offices start to call Julian Schweitzer (Director, Strategy and Operations for East Asia and Pacific Office of the Regional Vice President), Geoffrey Fox, and Mark Wilson about phone, fax and letter campaign. 19 May Geoffrey Fox has phone conversation with Gabriel Laf...

    WB Inspection Panel - China - 1999
  15. Complaint > Tax Administration Reform Project

    Management Response: 64-Management Response (English)

    ...vice rules as enshrined in the Civil Service Act of 1972, which continue to ap- ply; • A special committee has been established to settle any service disputes in con- junction with the creation of the IRS and transfers from the existing service groups; • Horizontal mobility across the administration is not blocked as the FBR manage- ment can assign staff to other functions at their request. ix Islamic Re...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2009
  16. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...vice Provider, WSS Services Ltd., was contracted. WSS Services Ltd. provides HIV testing, counselling and treatment, as well as general health services for all workers and community members. It carries out HIV/AIDS education and sensitization campaigns through community outreach. Information, education and communication materials have been prepared and distributed. 41. However, WSS Services Ltd. has not been paid in a timely fashion or otherwise assisted by the Contractor over several mont...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  17. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Response: Management Report and Recommendation

    ...vice-gap analysis” (i.e., assessing gaps between existing standards for service provision to GBV victims of abuse and actual service availability and quality at district level);  Costing of a scalable approach to the provision of GBV response and prevention services; and  Identifying optimal institutional modalities for the delivery of such services. 84. As noted in the Inspection Panel’s Report, the Bank was engaged earlier this year in discussion...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  18. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 1st Request

    Management Response: 14-Management Response (English)

    ...vices. Beneficiaries tend to select technicians they feel will produce results for them and, if they are not satisfied, have the freedom to make changes. In contrast, public extension and other technical services typically neglect smallholders, and farmers have little choice about the agent assigned to serve them. 4.8 A number of evaluation studies of the Project have been conducted throughout 1998, among them detailed case studies on subprojects in Bahia and Ceara, ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1998
  19. Complaint > Governance Promotion Adjustment Loan

    Management Response: 25-Management Response (English)

    ...vice Commission; reform of the Rural Development Program; reduction of fraud, waste and corruption; civil service reform; and improvement in the quality and efficiency of service delivery in a number of sectors – health and education, financial services, and forestry sector management. 13. Financial support for implementation of the Borrower’s reform program was comprised primarily of the US$90 million GPAL, provided by the Bank, and an IMF standby agreement of SDR 85.5 million (approximatel...

    WB Inspection Panel - Papua New Guinea - 2001
  20. Complaint > Vishnugad Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project

    Management Response: Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, South Asia Department, World Bank on the violation of Operational Policies in grant of loan to THDC India for Vishnugad-Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Project,” which is signed by one of the Requesters and several other individuals; and (ii) Nine annexes to the letter: (1) Impact of Dams on Quality of Waters of River Ganga as Assessed by Pilgrims at Devprayag, Rishikes...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2012