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  1. Complaint > Yanacocha-07/Cajamarca

    Eligibility: CAO ASSESSMENT REPORT Regarding local community concerns in relation to IFC’s Yanacocha project (#2983) in Cajamarca, Peru July 2014

    ...requested that Yanacocha uphold the commitments made at the time of the land acquisition. The complainants claim that Yanacocha never acknowledged the commitments that had been made, and never engaged with the former landowners on this issue, turning down requests for meetings. The complainants raise concerns about the process undertaken by Minas Conga at the time, reporting that the representatives took advantage of the illiteracy or lack of education of the campesinos, offering very low prices...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru - 2014
  2. Complaint > Agrokasa-01/Ica

    Filing: Complaint from Junta de Usuarios de Aguas Subterraneas del Valle de Ica regarding

    ...President of the Ica Region, is lying in the Huancavelica President’s office, awaiting his signature. Huancavelica and Ica constitute an “Inter Region Basin” under the new Hidric Resources law, passed last March. For Water management strategic decisions to be made, the only serious Hidro-Geological study of Ica, was made 39 years ago by the Israeli form “Tajal.” A subsequent Comprehensive strategic plan was done by a Spanish firm in the eighties. This le...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru - 2009
  3. Complaint > Alto Maipo-01/Cajon del Maipo

    Eligibility: English

    ...president of the Community Union of Neighborhood Boards, the president of the soccer league of the Municipality, the president of the Citizen’s Defense Committee of Cajón del Maipo, the president of the Communal Association of Huasos9 of San José de Maipo, the manager of AES Gener Cordillera Complex, and an executive of AES Gener appointed by the Company. The Company contends that it has a mechanism for receiving complaints that has been working ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Chile
  4. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Filing: Complaint, October 1, 2010

    ...requested special authorization for the bypass operation, but to date both Mozal and MICOA have refused to provide a copy of this authorization. After insisting attempts of the coalition to get access to the two studies on which the alleged authorization is based on, we were allowed to view them in the MICOA library for reading purposes only. Mozal saw itself at no occasion required to present the documents when requested, see request in annex 6 and response in annex 7. The studies ava...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique - 2010
  5. Complaint > VEIL II-01/ Ratanakiri Province

    Agreement: English

    ...requested confidentiality. In April 2014, representatives of the affected communities and HAGL chose to participate in a dispute resolution process facilitated by CAO. Since 2014, CAO has been coordinating meetings between community representatives, the civil society organizations supporting them, and company staff. In January 2015, the parties adopted a set of Ground Rules. Further agreements were reached in July and September 2015 between HAGL and the affected communities. To implement one of ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Cambodia
  6. Complaint > Dinant-02/Rio Aguan

    Appraisal: English

    ...president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisi...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras - 2017
  7. Complaint > Dinant-03/Aguan Valley

    Appraisal: English

    ...president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisi...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras - 2017
  8. Complaint > Hidromaule-01/San Clemente

    Appraisal: CAO Compliance Appraisal Report Hidromaule - June 25, 2015 - English

    ...president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisions. I...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Chile - 2015
  9. Complaint > Lydian Intl3-02/Gndevaz

    Appraisal: English

    ...president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisions. I...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Armenia - 2015
  10. Complaint > Lukoil Overseas-02/Berezovka

    Eligibility: English

    ...President has issued an order to the country’s relevant ministries and agencies to conduct an investigation and punish the individuals responsible for the violation of environmental protection law (Directive of the RK President No. 1078 of 27.02.2007). The foregoing facts attest that the KPO company has been, systematically and for a prolonged period of time, violating a whole host of provisions of international conventions and Republic of Kazakhstan environmental protection law, endanger...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kazakhstan
  11. Complaint > Trans-Anatolian Pipeline-01/Vale

    Appraisal: CAO Appraisal Report TANAP-01 - March 2018- English

    ...resident, the President of the World Bank Group or IFC/MIGA senior management. Following a compliance investigation, CAO may determine that it is necessary to monitor actions taken by IFC or MIGA until such actions assure CAO that its compliance findings are being addressed. 1 For more information about CAO, please visit 1 CAO Operational Guidelines, 2013, para. 4.4.6. Compliance Appraisal Report – Trans-Anatolian Pipeline-01/Vale, Georgia 2 Table o...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey - 2018
  12. Complaint > Maple Energy-01/Nuevo Sucre and Canaan

    Appraisal: CAO Appraisal for Audit of IFC: Maple Energy Plc, Canaán and Nuevo Sucre, Peru, May 10, 2012

    ...request. It cannot go beyond the confines of the complaint or request to address other issues. In such cases, the complainant or requestor sh should ould consider a new complaint or request. The CAO compliance appraisal will consider how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of compliance with national law, reflecting international legal commitments and other appraisal criteria. The CAO has no authority with ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru - 2012
  13. Complaint > Lydian Intl3-01/Gndevaz & Jermuk

    Eligibility: Lydian-01 Assessment Report - English - December 2014

    ...President, EcoLur • Anna Shahnazaryan, Representative, Save Teghut civic initiative • Levon Galstyan, Representative, Pan-Armenian Environmental Front • Silva Adamyan, Chairman, Center for Bird Lovers • Arthur Grigoryan, Lawyer, EcoRight • Eleonora Gabrielyan, President, Armenian Botanical Society • Artur Ashughyan, Advisor to the Minister, Armenian Ministry of Economy In meetings with local residents, CAO met with people opposing the mine project, as we...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Armenia - 2014
  14. Complaint > Celulosas de M'Bopicua (CMB) & Orion-01/Argentina & Uruguay

    Compliance Report: CAO Audit of IFC's and MIGA's Due Diligence of Celulosas de M'Bopicua and Orion Paper Mills, Februrary 22, 2006

    ...request from IFC (see Chapter 3.2.2). The Orion project In the case of the Orion project, the EA was submitted to DINAMA on March 31, 2004. DINAMA’s review up to December 2004, involved six requests for supplementary information and analysis covering a range of topics, including assessment of the cumulative impacts of the Botnia and CMB projects in relation to water, air, and odor. A seventh request was made on December 20, 2004, and the response to this was dated January 17, 2005. On December 6...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Argentina, Uruguay
  15. Complaint > Yanacocha-02/Cajamarca

    Agreement: November 2001

    ...requested that in the course of future visits, a presentation be made at the school of communication on dispute resolution practices. Choropampa 1. At the request of elected leaders of Magdalena and Choropampa and members of civil society, and with the support of Minera Yanacocha and the knowledge of the Peruvian government, the CAO has agreed to convene and organize a team of medical experts, with international standing, to conduct a medical review. The te...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru
  16. Complaint > BTC Pipeline-33/Vale

    Eligibility: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group, and its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by IFC/MIGA supported projects in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of those projects. The CAO assessment is conducted by CAO’s Ombudsman function. The purpose of CAO’s assessment is to: (1) clarify the issues and concerns raised by the complainant(s); (2) gather information on how other stakeholders see the situation;...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Georgia - 2011
  17. Complaint > Orion-02/ Gualeguaychu

    Eligibility: English

    ...requests the Court to indicate provisional measures concerning alleged breaches by Uruguay of obligations incumbent upon it under the Statute of the River Uruguay, a treaty signed by the two States on 26 February 1975, with a view to establishing the joint machinery necessary for the optimum and rational utilization of that part of the river which constitutes their joint boundary3. Furthermore, on November 29, 2006 Uruguay submitted a request to the ICJ for the indication of provisional measures...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Uruguay - 2019
  18. Complaint > Lukoil Overseas-01/Berezovka

    Compliance Review: Terms of Reference for Audit of IFC's Involvement in the Karachaganak Project, June 2007

    ...President of the World Bank requests from IFC as defined in the 2006 updated Operational Guidelines. Terms of reference C - I - R7 - Y06 – F085 3

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kazakhstan
  19. Complaint > Galnaftogaz-01/Kiev

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report - GNG Ukraine - March 2019 - English

    ...request in May 2017. According to the Complainants, Guel Park’s judicial request was not well-founded and should not have been granted. The Complainants request that GNG stop all retaliation measures and intimidation of residents and remove the lien they obtained on the three apartments belonging to the Complainants. The Complainants indicated they are not interested in a dialogue with GNG and would like CAO to initiate a Compliance process, particularly to address the issue of alleg...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Ukraine - 2019
  20. Complaint > Bujagali Energy-04/Bujagali

    Eligibility: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group, and its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by IFC/MIGA supported projects in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of those projects. The CAO assessment is conducted by CAO’s Ombudsman function. The purpose of CAO’s assessment is to: (1) clarify the issues and concerns raised by the complainant(s); (2) gather information on how other stakeholders see the situation;...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Uganda - 2011