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  1. Complaint > Institutional Reform Development Policy Financing

    Management Response: 57-Responses to Questions from the Requesters and the Inspection Panel

    ...vice for Government-led consultations on operations that the Bank supports. In May 2010, the Region took stock of the impact of this advice in an assessment note that was shared with Government in June 2010. Consultations with civil society and beneficiaries in Yemen informed the design of projects such as the Integrated Urban Development Project and the Second Port Cities Development Project. The World Bank office in Sana’a organized a consultation meeting on January 18, 2009, with ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Yemen - 2009
  2. Complaint > Wilmar Group-03/Jambi

    Management Response: IFC's Response to CAO Compliance Investigation Report, Wilmar-03

    ...Vice President and General Counsel Corporate Risk & Sustainability

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia
  3. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Management Action Plan: 40-First Management Progress Report

    ...Vice-President chairs every alternate meeting. Country specific portfolio reviews have also been undertaken, including one for Ghana, which was recently completed, and others planned for FY09. 30. Bank supervision missions. A two-week supervision mission in December 2008 was undertaken, and selected members of the core task team have undertaken five monthly field visits during the past six months. 31. Implementation strategy, periodic review and increase in supervision budget. The Afri...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
  4. Complaint > AD Hydro Power Limited-01/Himachal Pradesh

    Eligibility: English

    ...President and Vice President) 7/23 Panchayat Membership at-large (4 of 7 members) 7/23 Road construction site tour and discussion of impacts with villagers 7/23 Mr. Ashok Joshi, Bilhwara Company - meeting #3 7/24 Mr. Chamel Singh, Kullu Deputy Commissioner The CAO team sought to 1) listen to understand the current situation; 2) ensure that all community members have a shared understanding of why the CAO was visiting the project; and 3) clarify how CAO could assist the community with ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India - 2006
  5. Complaint > Lonmin-02/Marikana

    Appraisal: Compliance Appraisal Report- Lonmin-02 - December 2017

    ...vice president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisio...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - South Africa - 2017
  6. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Response: 89-Management Response and Addendum (English)

    ...Vice- President of the World Bank, Europe and Management also does not have a record of receiving a Central Asia Division letter addressed to the Regional Vice President, Mr. Shigeo Katsu, in September 2013 and notes that Mr. Katsu was • A written case study prepared by Ezgulik in Regional Vice President in 2003-2009. partnership with Bank In...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  7. Complaint > Alto Maipo-01/Cajon del Maipo

    Appraisal: English

    ...vice president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy provisio...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Chile - 2018
  8. Complaint > Tax Administration Reform Project

    Management Response: 64-Management Response Annexes (English)

    ...Vice President Income Tax Officers Association 4. Member FBR, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 5. Commissioner of Income Tax, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 6. Vice President Income Tax Officers Association 7. Additional Commissioner of Income Tax 8. Member Income Tax Officers Association 9. Commissioner of Income Tax, Member Executive Committee, Income Tax Officers Association 10. Additiona...

    WB Inspection Panel - Pakistan - 2009
  9. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Management Response: 26-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President, Country Management Unit Director, and Sector Management Unit Directors have engaged in dialogue with ministers and other high level officials from the Governments of Argentina and Paraguay. Finally, the Regional Vice Presidency and the Country Management Unit Director have also maintained close contacts with affected people, NGOs and other civil society groups including through three visits to the project sites by the Bank’s Regional Vice President, during which me etings were or...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  10. Complaint > Mining Development and Environmental Control Assistance Project

    Compliance Report: 20-Investigation Report (English)

    ...vice would be to make sure, at minimum, that all comments made at the meeting are incorporated in the negotiations package. Others should be incorporated to the extent possible.”106 On March 25, 1993, LATEN cleared the Project for negotiation. The cover memorandum dated March 29, 1993 seeking authorization to negotiate from the LAC Vice President on the pre-negotiations package informs him that the “recommendations and suggestions...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ecuador - 1999
  11. Complaint > Paraguay/Argentina Reform Project for the Water and Telecommunication Sectors, SEGBA V Power Distribution Project (Yacyreta)

    Filing: 26-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Vice President of the World Bank, and more, the problem, however obvious, was only recently acknowledged (in 1999) by the financing banks and EBY as being a consequence of the Yacyreta reservoir. Accordingly, EBY drew up the “Stream Flooding Program,” and once again, it did so unilaterally, without effective participation from the affected parties, and with the serious risk that many of the affected families would not be covered by the program, since even after multiple requests for a list of fa...

    WB Inspection Panel - Argentina, Paraguay - 2002
  12. Complaint > West African Gas Pipeline Project

    Eligibility: 40-Eligibility Report Final (English)

    ...Vice-President of the new concerns about fishing activities raised with the Panel during the Panel’s visit to Nigeria and the FoE-GH letter. The Panel added both items to the processing of the existing Request. Management provided the Panel with a supplemental response regarding the issues raised in the later letter from FoE- GH (“Supplemental Response”) 5 . Management also provided the Panel with “Clarifications Regarding Marine ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana, Nigeria - 2006
  13. Complaint > Termoelectrica del Golfo Project

    Eligibility: Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum

    ...Vice President of URS Corporation. January 16, 2007. Termoeléctrica del Golfo PO-1223/OC-ME. 9 See Law “NOM-052-SEMARNAT-2005” Mexican Law that establishes the characteristics of hazardous waste and the limits that make a hazardous waste. June 23, 2006 Section 5.5. p. 8, and 4. 10 See Law “NOM-052-SEMARNAT-1993” Mexican Law that establishes the characteristics of hazardous waste and the limits that make a hazardous waste. October 23, 1993, p. 3, 4 and 5. ...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Mexico - 2011
  14. Complaint > Reventazon HPP-01

    Management Response: English

    ...vices. Stephanie von Friedeburg Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 6 Disadvantaged or vulnerable status may stem from, inter alia, factors such as "poverty or economic disadvantage, and dependence on unique natural resources." PS I, footnote I 8. 7 PS I, paragraph I 2. ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Costa Rica
  15. Complaint > Reventazon HPP-02

    Compliance Review: English

    ...vices. Stephanie von Friedeburg Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 6 Disadvantaged or vulnerable status may stem from, inter alia, factors such as "poverty or economic disadvantage, and dependence on unique natural resources." PS I, footnote I 8. 7 PS I, paragraph I 2. ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Costa Rica
  16. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 2nd Request

    Management Response: 18-Management Response (English)

    ...Vice President for LAC, Brazil CMU Director, and Bank NGO liaison staff, dialogued with the President of the Bahia Federation of Rural Workers (FETAG). At that time, the President stated, "The Federation is not against the Bank funding agrarian reform in Brazil, and local landless farmers have welcomed the program." He further stated that now that the movement had lost the battle to have the Cédula da Terra blocked (they were not aware that the Second Request was presente...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1999
  17. Complaint > Land Management and Administration Project

    Filing: 60-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...Vice President for East Asia and Pacific James Adams visited Cambodia. COHRE was informed that he raised the Boeung Kak issue with senior government officials during his visit. 15. .COHRE welcomes the efforts made by the World Bank management since February 2009 to address the serious problems with the implementation of LMAP, and specifically the harms suffered by Boeung Kak residents. However, the harm caused by seven years of inadequate supervision of the project has in no way been mitigat...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cambodia - 2009
  18. Complaint > Togo LCT-01/Lome

    Management Response: English

    ...Vice Presid t and General nsel Corporate Risk & Sustainability 2 Annex 1 Findings of IFC's Independent Technical Review To gain an independent third party perspective on the complaint and the project's potential impact on coastal erosion, IFC commissioned, in July 2016, its own technical report, prepared by an internationally-recognized consultancy with direct kn...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Togo
  19. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...President (RRP) at $295.9 million, with main financing from JBIC (40%), ADB (30%) and GOSL (26%) as the borrower.7 Sida finances consulting services for the RSC while NDF finances consulting services and equipment supply under the RSC, and project management consulting services for the SHC.8 Based on surveys and detailed designs, the Panel understands that the actual highway construction is 126.2 km, with JBIC financing 66.6 km of the northern part of the highway component and ADB financing 59.6...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  20. Complaint > Western Poverty Reduction Project

    Compliance Report: 16-Investigation Report (English)

    ...VICE PRESIDENT, Memo to Director RMT “Compliance with Safeguard Policies” (3 June 1998). Attached to it was a separate memorandum from the Managing Directors to Operational Vice Presidents, headed “Operational Policy Reform: Compliance with Safeguard Policies.” 118 See EAPVP Regional Vice President, supra note 117. 72 176. One of these experts informed the Panel that from the time that ...

    WB Inspection Panel - China - 1999