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Showing Only ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel (Show All Results)

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  1. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Filing: Request for compliance review with 3 attachments:[PDF] Harm to requesters New evidence Breaches of ADB Guidelines & Safeguard Policies

    ...President. We do not wish the submission of this Request to be seen or acted upon as a request to stop the OSPF from following up on the Complaint. The Joint Organization members include Unified Society for the Protection of Akmeemana (USPA), Gama Surakeema Sanvidhaniya (GSS), and many individuals along the Colombo Matara Highway. The President who is also an Affected Person is a signatory to this Request together with Officials of USPA and GSS. In support of the Requesters a few members of the ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  2. Complaint > Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City Highway Project

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...request advice and support.  SPF will review relevant documents and will field a fact-finding mission on his/her own initiative or participate, in consultation with the OD, in a special project administration mission of the OD.  SPF will complete the review and assessment, and will report his/her findings to the President, with a copy to the Vice-President concerned. ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia
  3. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Registration: Notice of Registration [PDF]

    ...request with the -requisite basic infonnation- as referred to in paragraph 30 of the CRP Operating Procedures. Based on the Request and the subsequent emsil exchange, the Request is filt:!d by JO representing 28 persons negatively affected by the Project (Requesters). The Requesters daim that the -ADB RRP [Report and Recommendation to the President] and its attached documentation were for a trace known as the Combined Trace (CT). At least, 40% of this trace has since been altered by the Road Dev...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  4. Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1

    Compliance Report: CRP Final Report in English, in Russian [PDF] (Management Response and Requester's Response to CRP Draft Report are attached)

    ...REQUEST FOR COMPLIANCE REVIEW 8. The request for compliance review was submitted to the Secretary of the CRP on 23 May 2011 by five individuals, who designated as their representative the Central Asia and Caucasus Coordinator of the ADB NGO Forum (Appendix 1). The requesters sought to keep their identities confidential, as provided in para. 44 of the Accountability Mechanism policy. The request for compliance review was made during the consultation phase, in accordance with the policy. 5 ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kyrgyzstan - 2012
  5. Complaint > Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project 2

    Eligibility: Eligibility Report in English, in Khmer [PDF] and Board's Decision in English, in Khmer [PDF]

    ...request 5. Mr. David Pred of Inclusive Development International (IDI), signed the request letter with attachments which was received by the CRP through email on 28 August 2012. The request letter includes an authorization letter signed by 22 requesters (as the authorizing parties) authorizing Mr. David Pred of IDI to act on the requesters’ behalf together with Mr. Ieng Vuthy of Equitable Cambodia. B. Content of the request 6. The letter request together with the additional inf...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia - 2012
  6. Complaint > Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project 2

    Timeline: Terms of Reference in English, in Khmer [PDF]

    ...Requesting parties The 22 requesters, who requested that their identities be confidential, authorized Mr. David Pred of Inclusive Development International (IDI), to file a request for compliance review on their behalf, together with Mr. Ieng Vuthy of Equitable Cambodia. 1 ADB. 2003. Review of the Inspection Function: Establishment of a New ADB Accountability Mechanism. Manila. 2 Ope...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia
  7. Complaint > Urban and Environmental Improvement Project

    Eligibility: Eligibility determined (not eligible – read the Executive Summary of the Eligibility Inquiry ), 16 Mar 2007.

    ...President of the Barhaghare Tole Locality Development Organization Bharatpur, Nepal Executive Summary of the Eligibility Inquiry I. Background 1. The Office of the Special Facilitator (OSPF) received a letter dated 3 January 2007 from Mr. Prajapati Sapkota, President of the Barhaghare Tole Locality Development Organization (BTLDO), Barhaghare, Ward 4 Bharatpur. The letter requested that a wastewater and sewage treatment pla...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Nepal
  8. Complaint > Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project 2

    Registration: Notice of registration in English, in Khmer [PDF]

    ...Request in its Registry of Request as Request No. 2012/2. The Registry is at: The CRP will inform the ADB Board of Directors on the registration of this Request and will also issue a press advisory to be published on its website at: The registration of this request does not address the eligibility or the merits of your request for compliance review but only acknowledges receipt and notifies you of the registration. In accordance with paragraph 120 ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia - 2012
  9. Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor 1 (Bishkek-Torugart Road) Project 1

    Registration: Notice of Registration in English, in Russian [PDF]

    ...Request in its Registry of Request as Request No. 2011/2. The Registry is at: 8HF7NJ?OpenDocument The CRP will inform the ADB Board of Directors on the registration of this Request and will also issue a press advisory to be published on its website at: The registration of this request does not address the eligibility or the merits of your request for compliance review but only acknowledges receipt and noti...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kyrgyzstan - 2011
  10. Complaint > Nenskra Hydropower Project

    Filing: Request for Compliance Review [PDF]

    ...requests for publishing the contract , including public hearings at the 27 April and 22 August, where representatives of the Non Governmental organizations as well as local communities directly request contract transparency for the public. The company and the government representatives refused without any justification. Given the fact that the project cost is very high, more than 1 billion US dollars, and that it represents public-private project, we believe that it is necessary to ensure public...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Georgia - 2017
  11. Complaint > Multitranche Financing Facility Road Network Development Program

    Filing: Complaint received, 3 Sep 2009

    ...request you to help local people to address their concerns before road construction starts and resettlement plan will be implemented without violating ADB policies and requirements. Complain letter from APs is attached. Please, we request you not to disclose the names of complainers per their request due to their fear of intimidation and harassment from the executing agencies. Looking forward to hear from you soon, Mirvari Gahramanly Oil worker’s rights protection organization Petition To: Asi...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Azerbaijan
  12. Complaint > North-West Frontier Province Road Development Sector and Subregional Connectivity

    Filing: Complaint received, 9 Apr 2009

    ...requested that the payment of our lands and assets to give us as per current market rate. You are therefore, requested to undertake necessary actions to ensure reasonable level of assessment of value of our lands and assets and timely payment as the land has already been undertaken. Your early and strong action in this matter will be highly appreciated. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, Name and address of signatory are withheld at complainant's request for confidentiality. Members: Names and add...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Pakistan
  13. Complaint > Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP)

    Compliance Report: Final Report , 22 Dec 2004

    ...President, Vice-President (Operations 1), SARD and the complainants on 28 June 2004. The complainants were very critical of the RAR, alleging that it was biased in favor of the Government and ADB. They also strongly disagreed with SPF’s position that reopening a debate on the original MWSP design was outside SPF’s mandate. Notwithstanding their disagreement with SPF’s review and assessment, the complainants decided to carry on with the consultation process. 23. At step 6 of the consultation ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Nepal
  14. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review (Request) on the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The Request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (Requesters). The CRP determined that the request was eligible, and the Board of Directors (Board) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized the CRP to conduct a compliance review. The Panel reviewed and investigated the request and submitted to the Board its Final ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka
  15. Complaint > North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program

    Filing: Complaint received, 4 Jan 2011

    ...request you to kindly take immediate note and action to safeguard us from extinction. Thanking You Yours Faithfully, Agnes Kharshiing, President of the CSWO(Civil Society Women’s Organization) Bomfyle Road, Laitumkhrah, Shillong, Meghalaya, India. Copy to the : Mr. A Joshi, Director (UD), MOUD, New delhi -110001, India. Mr. P.Naik IAS, Principal secy, UAD, Government of Meghalaya, Mr. Sultan Hafeez Rahman, Director General , SARD, ADB, HQ ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - India
  16. Complaint > Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City Highway Project

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...request for comments, and the complainants' request to postpone the consultation process, were dispatched on the same day and crossed enroute to their destinations. 9 ADB. 2009. Kingdom of Cambodia: Capacity Development for Income Restoration Programs. Manila (TA 7366- CAM).

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia
  17. Complaint > Education Sector Reform Project

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...President to the Board of Directors: Proposed Loan to the Republic of Tajikistan for the Education Sector Reform Project. Manila. Loan 2053-TAJ. vi I. BACKGROUND A. The Project 1. The Education Sector Reform Project1 aimed to improve the quality, efficiency, and equity of primary and general secondary education. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a loan of $7.5 million on 17 December 2003. The President’s Office was th...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Tajikistan
  18. Complaint > Southern Transport Development Project (STDP)

    Monitoring: Annual Monitoring Report [PDF] Report sent to Requesters

    ...request for compliance review of the Southern Transport Development Project1 (STDP or Project) in Sri Lanka. The request was submitted by the Joint Organization of the Affected Communities of the Colombo Matara Highway (requesters). CRP determined that the request was eligible, and the Board of Directors (Board) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) authorized a compliance review by CRP. The Panel reviewed and investigated the request and submitted its findings and recommendations to the Board in ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Sri Lanka - 2009
  19. Complaint > East-West Highway Improvement Project

    Filing: Complaint received, 2 Sep 2009

    ...request Executing Agency to follow ADB policies and national legislations of Azerbaijan. We request you to immediately intervene in this situation to provide assistance to the affected communities on above mentioned problems and concerns. Complain letter from APs is attached. Please, we request you not to disclose the names of complainers per their request due to their fear of intimidation and harassment from the executing agencies. Looking forward to hear from you soon, Zohrab Ismayilov Publi...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Azerbaijan
  20. Complaint > Rawalpindi Environmental Improvement Project (Sewage Treatment Plant Component)

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...President to the Board of Directors on Proposed Loans to Pakistan for the Rawalpindi Environmental Improvement Project. Manila. Loans 2211-PAK and 2212(SF)-PAK for $20 million and $40 million, respectively, approved on 13 December 2005. vi I. BACKGROUND A. The Project 1. The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Rawalpindi Environmental Improvement Project 1 (REIP) in Pakistan comprised (i) environmental sanitation (inc...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Pakistan
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