Zenata Urban Development | Accountability Console
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Zenata Urban Development


Community health and safety

Description: Complaint raises concerns related to public health and safety including incidents of or an increase in accidents, release of hazardous materials, and spread of diseases. Concerns related to retaliation and/or violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 363

Browse Complaints

Displacement (physical and/or economic)

Description: Complaint raises concerns about physical relocation, loss of shelter, and/or loss of assets that relate to income or livelihood.

Complaints with this Issue: 494

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about impacts that do not fit in one of the other categories. Complaints about which there is no publicly available information regarding the issues raised are also included.

Complaints with this Issue: 219

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about releases of pollutants related to the project, including hazardous or non-hazardous chemicals, minerals, metals, pathogens, odors, noise, vibration, radiation, light, and heat.

Complaints with this Issue: 229

Browse Complaints

Property damage

Description: Complaint raises concerns about specific harm to property, including buildings, land, or property value. Concerns related to physical or economic displacement, pollution, or community health and safety are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 169

Browse Complaints


Community capacity and development

Description: Project relates to programs targeted at training, capacity-building, and/or enabling public participation for specific groups within the community.

Complaints in this Sector: 112

Browse Complaints


Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 995

Browse Complaints


IAM: Complaints Mechanism (CM)

ID: SG/E/2023/05

Date Filed: March 6, 2023

Date Closed: March 25, 2024

Status: Closed With Outputs Outside Process


The EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) registered under the case reference SG/E/2023/05 a complaint, received from an individual, regarding the Zenata Urban Development Project implemented in the commune of Ain Harrouda, between Casablanca and Mohammedia in Morocco. The project involves the resettlement of over 40,000 persons. The complainant claims that the public infrastructure of the area where he was relocated (Tranche 10) was not finalized when he moved to the area: it concerns the paving of the roads, public lighting, finalisation of the sidewalk, rainwater discharge etc. The claimant also complained about the presence of construction waste piles around his new house. Part of the claimant’s allegations were treated by the promoter and the associated works were executed between July 2023 and January 2024: finalisation of the sewer system, backfilling of the trenches and upgrade of the transmission line that passed above the claimant’s resettlement area (Tranche 10). The EIB-CM also observed that the promoter and the complainant started a dialogue on those questions, leading to a written confirmation from the promoter (30 November 2023) that the infrastructure works would be finalised in the first months of 2024 and that the construction waste storage would be removed in parallel. The EIB-CM concludes that, in this case, given the engagement from the Promoter and the EIB services as well as the fact that some of the issues claimed by the complainant have been considered already by the promoter, the case SG/E/2023/05 can be closed.

Complaint Stages


March 6, 2023



Start Date: March 6, 2023


March 6, 2023 -

March 30, 2023


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: March 6, 2023

End Date: March 30, 2023


March 30, 2023


Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Unknown

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Not offered by mechanism, Dispute resolution was not an option in this case

Compliance Review

Closed Without Output

Compliance Review

Status: Closed Without Output

Explanation: Addressed outside process

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage; Addressed outside process


March 25, 2024


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