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  1. Complaint > Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project, 1st request

    Eligibility: 72-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vice Delivery – Irrigation and Drainage Institutions, which aims at supporting measures related to delivering reliable irrigation services;  Component C: Improving productivity of selected existing irrigation and drainage assets in five basins, which aims at providing the necessary investments in the Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Ken, and Tons basins;  Component D: Project Management Support, which aims at supp...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2010
  2. Complaint > Quilleco Hydropower Project

    Eligibility: 67-Final Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...President of the World Bank and the Executive Vice President of IFC. 14 See Request for Inspection: Chile-Quilleco Hydropower Project 15 Panel Report and Recommendation, p. 14, para 66. 4 17. The Requesters asked that the Panel recommend an investigation, stating that the actions of the developers and operators of the hydroelectric projects in the Biobío are impeding Bank ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Chile - 2010
  3. Complaint > Railroad General Roca Improvement Program - Constitución - La Plata Line

    Appraisal: Assessment Report Public Disclosure

    ...president and vice president, Argentine electoral legislation provides for the possibility of a second round, which is not the case for provincial and municipal elections. This year, if a second round takes place at national level, the election would be held on 24 November 2019. The incoming authorities will take office on 10 December 2019. B. The Parties’ viewpoints 3.9 In accordance with the definition given in the MICI-IDB Policy, the Parties for the Consultat...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Argentina - 2019
  4. Complaint > Yanacocha-02/Cajamarca

    Agreement: Mediation Report, August 2001

    ...Vice President for Latin America Government Mayor of the Province of Cajamarca Environmental Committee of the Provincial Council of Cajamarca Mayor of Magdalena District Mayors Mayors and Assistant Mayors from the Centros Poblados Menores of Cajamarca, Banos del Inca and La Encanada, Magdalena Defensoria del Pueblo Civil Society Las Rondas Campesinas Femenina del Norte/FEROCAFENOP Representatives of other organizational mechanisms of Rondas Campesinas ECOVIDA VALLEVIDA CARE Peru CIPDER (Consorci...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru
  5. Complaint > Agrokasa-01/Ica

    Monitoring: CAO Audit Monitoring and Closure Report: Monitoring of IFC's Response to CAO Audit of IFC's Investments in Agribusiness in the Ica Valley, Peru, June 20, 2013

    ...Vice Presidential/COC level. There is also quarterly reporting by CES to the Corporate Risk Committee which provides yet another avenue for issues to be brought to senior management attention. e) Expertise. CES has re-designed the role of specialist “sector leads”, emphasizing quality and knowledge sharing. These sector leads (ex. agriculture/forestry), possess particular industry expertise and are thus in a strong position to facilitate/leverage interventi...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru
  6. Complaint > Development Forestry Sector Management Project

    Management Response: 69-Management Response (English)

    ...Presidential Commission to look into GWs charges. 16 The PAD includes reference to medium term objectives in the Results Framework; though these are not reflected in the Grant Agreement. 17 See Office Memorandum- September 6, 2006 from Country Director to Regional Vice President. 12 Development Forestry Sector Management Project to improve forest governance, training; technical assistance; sectoral, technical, and capacity ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Liberia - 2010
  7. Complaint > Natural Resource Management Project

    Eligibility: 84 - Management Report and Recommendation (English)

    ...President Bank Group Senior Management Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads, Bank, IFC and MIGA Inspection Panel This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. THE WORLD BANK Washington, DC 20433 Office of the Presid...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2013
  8. Complaint > Bridge International Academies-01/Kenya

    Appraisal: CAO Appraisal Report - Bridge-01/Kenya - October 2019 - English

    ...vice president, IFC/MIGA management, or the president of the World Bank Group. The focus of the CAO compliance function is on IFC and MIGA, not their client. This applies to all IFC’s business activities, including the real sector, financial markets and advisory. CAO assesses how IFC/MIGA assured itself/themselves of the performance of its business activity or advice, as well as whether the outcomes of the business activity or advice are consistent with the intent of the relevant policy pr...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kenya - 2019
  9. Complaint > Rural Land Titling & Registration Project in Peru - Third Phase

    Management Response: Management Response

    ...President of AIDESEP, in relation to the project entitled “Rural Land Titling and Registration in Peru, Third Phase – PTRT3” (the project). Loan Agreement No. 3370/OC-PE was signed for this project on February 13, 2015 between the Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development Bank (“the Bank”). 1.2 The Requesters allege that: (i) The project failed to comply with the following operational policies of the Bank: (i) Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples (OP...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Peru - 2015
  10. Complaint > CAREC Transport Corridor I Investment Program

    Dispute Resolution: English

    ...President, the periodic financing request report for the second tranche, and the environmental management plan (EMP); (ii) interviews with ADB staff involved in the project; (iii) interviews with the national and oblast committees of roads and local government representatives; (iv) meetings with design and project management consultants; (v) meetings with NGOs; and (vi) a field-based assessment consisting of site visits; individual interviews and small group discussions with 30 villagers, includ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Kazakhstan
  11. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Eligibility: 89 - Final Eligibility Report (English)

    ...vices (including essential medical care and education). They also claim that systemic use of forced labor hinders the quality and delivery of such services. 7. The Requesters further state that the Social Assessment carried out for the Project failed to adequately identify the problem of forced and child labor, adding that no serious consideration or analysis was undertaken to assess if, and how, the Project could contribute to this problem. They consider that forced labor in Uzbekistan's c...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  12. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Management Action Plan: 89-Management Progress Report

    ...Vice President for Europe and Central Asia conducted weekly reviews. In addition, a Social Development Specialist, whose primary task is to focus on child and labor issues, has been stationed in the regional World Bank office for the harvest period. No identifiable cases of child labor and no obvious cases of forced labor were observed by the supervision missions in the project areas. As noted later in the report, ILO has just begun work on elaborating whether certain forms of employment and lab...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  13. Complaint > VEIL II-01/ Ratanakiri Province

    Filing: Complaint to CAO VEIL II - Feb 2014

    ...Vice President Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Tel: + 1 202-458-1973 Fax: +1 202-522-7400 e-mail: February 10, 2014 Dear Vice President Taylor Re: Complaint concerning IFC investment in Dragon Capital Group and VEIL (Project no. 10740 and 20926) 1. Inclusive Development International (IDI), Equitable Cambodia (EC), Cambodian Indigenous Youth Association (CIYA), Indigenous R...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Cambodia - 2014
  14. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Management Response: Management Response(English)

    ...vices to the Contractor; (ii) child labor; and (iii) harm to Indigenous Peoples communities, including alleged desecration of graves. 9. Both during and after the first mission, the Requester demanded, orally and in writing, to be given employment under the Project and/or payment for his “investigative services” in connection with the complaint. Bank Management has not agreed to these demands. III. PROJECT BACKGROUND 10. The Project. The High-Priority Roads ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  15. Complaint > Madhya Pradesh Water Sector Restructuring Project, 1st request

    Management Response: 72-Management Response (English)

    ...vice de- livery have not been adequately separated institutionally to reduce conflict of in- terest (given that irrigation accounts for over 90 percent of water use in MP). • Institutional Capacity: There is a need to improve institutional capacity (e.g., trained staff, knowledge base, information systems, and coordination mechan- isms) for integrated water resources management and Irrigation and Drainage service delivery in MP. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2010
  16. Complaint > Eskom Investment Support Project

    Eligibility: 65-Eligibility Report and Chairperson Statement (English)

    ...vices to improve efficiencies in the Borrower’s current fleet of coal- fired power stations; and (c) provision of technical advisory services for domestic and cross-border renewable and energy efficiency projects. 3 According to the Project Appraisal Document (PAD), Report No. 53425-ZA, dated March 19, 2010, p. 1, the “project, as well as the longer term partnership envisaged between the Government of South Africa and the World Bank will enable the country to ac...

    WB Inspection Panel - South Africa - 2010
  17. Complaint > Avianca-01/Bogota

    Compliance Report: English

    ...President, the CAO Vice President or senior management of IFC/MIGA. CAO compliance investigations focus on IFC/MIGA, and how IFC/MIGA assured itself of project environmental and social (E&S) performance. The purpose of a CAO compliance investigation is to ensure compliance with policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and conditions for IFC/MIGA involvement, and thereby improve E&S performance. In the context of a CAO compliance investigation, at issue is whether:  The actual E&S outc...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Colombia
  18. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Vice President for the Africa Region launched this effort with the coalition and other civil society organizations in March 2009. 5 Formerly NACONWAM. 6 Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS). ISSUE PROPOSED ACTION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS a survey was completed in December 2009 for the entire AMA as part of a parallel Citiz...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  19. Complaint > Second Urban Environment Sanitation Project

    Management Action Plan: 49-Second Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Vice President for the Africa Region launched this effort with the coalition and other civil society organizations in March 2009. 4 Formerly NACONWAM. 5 Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS). ISSUE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS found suitable, not implemented. (To be closes. Compensation entitlements will vary depending on the GoG’s decision with regard ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ghana - 2007
  20. Complaint > Vizhinjam-01/Kerala

    Compliance Report: CAO Compliance Investigation Report, Vizhinjam 01, 02 & 03 - January 23, 2018

    ...vices.”91 The concept of ecosystem services encompasses different types of benefits that people and businesses obtain from ecosystems. In relation to fisheries, for example, these include provisioning services, which are the products people obtain from ecosystems (such as food) and supporting services which are the natural processes that maintain the other services. PS6 also recognizes cultural services, which are the nonmaterial benefits that people obtain from ecosystems.92 They may include na...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India