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  1. Complaint > Private Power Generation, Water Management and Development, and Energy for Rural Transformation III (Second Request)

    Registration: Notice of Registration(Second Request)

    ...Request for Inspection (the Request), dated September 9, 2016, regarding the potential flooding of the Kalagala Offset Area in Uganda. The Request concerns the Private Power Generation (Bujagali) Project (P089659); the Water Management and Development Project (P123204), and the Energy for Rural Transformation Phase III Project (P133312). The Request was submitted by "three residents of the Busoga region and concerned citizens" (the Requester...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2016
  2. Complaint > DRC High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance (2nd Additional Financing)

    Registration: Notice of Registration(English)

    ...Request. Registration of the Request 18. As provided in paragraph 17 of the IBRD Resolution (the “Resolution”) that established the Panel, “the Chairperson of the Panel shall inform the Executive Directors and the President of the Bank promptly upon receiving a request for inspection.” With this notice, I am notifying you that I have, on September 13, 2017, registered this Request. 19. The Panel’s registration implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of a Request for Inspecti...

    WB Inspection Panel - Democratic Republic of Congo - 2017
  3. Complaint > Natural Resource Management Project

    Registration: 84-Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Request for Inspection KENYA: Natural Resource Management Project (P095050) Receipt of Request On January 14, 2013, the Inspection Panel received a Request for Inspection (hereafter "the Request") related to the Kenya: Natural Resource Management Project (NRMP or "the Project"). The Requesters The Request was sent by individuals from Sengwer communities who "live and represent others who live" in t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2013
  4. Complaint > Transport Sector Support Project and its Additional Financing

    Registration: Notice of Registration

    ...Request for Inspection ("the Request") of the Transport Sector Support Project and its Additional · Financing ("the Project") in Kenya. The Request was submitted by three members of the project-affected community ("the Requesters") who asked the Panel to keep their identities confidential. 1 2. The Requesters' concerns relate to impact from works on the Webuye-Kitale road, which is financed by the Project. The complaint raises c...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2018
  5. Complaint > Electricity Expansion Project

    Registration: Notice of Registration (English)

    ...Requesters, was able to verify that there are overlaps of Requesters and concerns with the complaint presented to the EIB-CM. In the interest of savings and efficiency, where feasible, the Panel and the EIB-CM will coordinate the processing of these complaints. All communications in connection with the Request will be sent to the representatives of the Requesters. The Request has been assigned IPN Request Number RQ 14/06 Yours sincerely, ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2014
  6. Complaint > Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project and Water and Sanitation Service Improvement Project - Additional Financing

    Registration: 115-Notice of Registration

    ...Request. Registration of the Request 17. As provided in paragraph 17 of the Resolution, "the Chairperson of the Panel shall inform the Executive Directors and the President of the Bank promptly upon receiving a request for inspection. " With this notice, I am notifying you that I have, on January 12, 2017, which is also the date of this notice, registered this Request. 18. The Panel's registration implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of a Request for Inspection. ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kenya - 2017
  7. Complaint > Lom Pangar Hydropower Project

    Registration: Notice of Registration

    ...Requesters do not consider as payment for overtime work. 7. The Request states that the Project’s Environmental and Social Management Plan and the Specific Contractual Engagement on Environmental and Social Management were violated. 8. The Request also includes a report titled “World Bank Project Exploiting Human Labour: Lom Pangar Hydro Project in Cameroon,” dated September 2015, which the Requesters ask to be a part of the Request. The Panel understands that the claims in the Reque...

    WB Inspection Panel - Cameroon - 2017
  8. Complaint > Mongolia Mining Infrastructure Investment Support (P118109) and Mining Infrastructure Investment Support - Additional Financing

    Registration: 102-Notice of Registration(English)

    ...Request The Panel has verified that the Request meets the basic requirements for registration: (i) the Request was submitted by at least two people in relation to a project supported by the World Bank, (ii) Bank's financing is neither closed, nor reached 95% disbursement (at the time of receipt of the Request, the Project was about 31 % disbursed), (iii) the Requesters assert that they are affected by activities supported by the World Bank, and the Request raises issues of harm which...

    WB Inspection Panel - Mongolia - 2015
  9. Complaint > Private Power Generation, Water Management and Development, and Energy for Rural Transformation III

    Registration: Notice of Registration

    ...Request 15. As provided in paragraph 17 of the IDA Resolution (“the Resolution”) that established the Panel, “the Chairperson of the Panel shall inform the Executive Directors and the President of the Bank promptly upon receiving a request for inspection.” With this notice, I am notifying you that I have, on September 6, 2016, which is also the date of this notice, registered this Request. 16. The Panel’s registration implies no judgment whatsoever concerning the merits of a Request fo...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2016
  10. Complaint > Quilleco Hydropower Project

    Filing: 67-Request for Inspection (English)

    ...President, WB President, CAO Ombudsman, Inspection Panel staff, each within their possibilities, listen to this request, and : 1. Urgently move to severe all relations with Hidroelectrica Guardia Vieja, Colbun, Hidroelectrica Aconcagua and other affiliated companies, until they fully respect WB policies and past commitments of all its member groups. This in relations to investment proposals and joint projects, and also a halt to the use of WB personnel and expertise to process supposed improveme...

    WB Inspection Panel - Chile - 2010
  11. Complaint > Mining Development and Environmental Control Assistance Project

    Compliance Report: 20-Investigation Report (English)

    ...Requests After the Panel receives a Request for Inspection it is processed as follows: • The Panel decides whether the Request is prima facie not barred from Panel consideration. • The Panel registers the Request—a purely administrative procedure. • The Panel sends the Request to Bank Management, which has 21 working-days to respond to the allegations of the Requesters. • The Panel then conducts a short 21 working-day assessment to determine the eligibility of the Requesters and ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Ecuador - 1999
  12. Complaint > Land Administration Project (First Request)

    Management Response: 53-Management Response (English)

    ...REQUESTS THE FIRST REQUEST 4. The First Request for Inspection was submitted by members of the indigenous community of Pueblo Naso (hereafter referred to as the “First Requesters”). Attached to the Request is a list of signatures. No further materials were received by Management in support of the Request. 5. Management understands that the First Requesters’ main claims are that: (i) the Project at this stage is not supporting the only and true aspiration of the Naso People, which i...

    WB Inspection Panel - Panama - 2009
  13. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 1st Request

    Eligibility: 14-Eligibility Report (English)

    ...Requesters and the public in a concise manner about the existence of a Request for Inspection and its main content. It does not and cannot be construed as implying any judgement on the eligibility of the Request. Paragraph 16 of the Panel’s Operating Procedures provides that the “Chairperson, on the basis of the information contained in the Request, shall either promptly register the Request, or ask for additional information, or find the Request outside t...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1998
  14. Complaint > Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Clean-Up Project, First Request

    Management Action Plan: 47-First Management Progress Report (English)

    ...Requesters and lawyers that they have selected themselves. 8. Ongoing communication with Requesters. The World Bank Office in Tirana has been in regular communication with the Requesters since the February 17, 2009 Board meeting. Meetings were held on February 26 in Tirana to brief the Requesters on the outcome of the Board meeting, and on March 11 in Vlore and April 14 in Jale to discuss arrangements for Bank support through financing costs of the case-by-case review. In addition, there ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Albania - 2007
  15. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Management Action Plan: Lessons Learned and Agenda for Action

    ...President sends letter to Minister MoFPED with the 2015 President letter to Minister formal cancellation of TSDP MoFPED cancelling TSDP December 22, Minister MoFPED letter to Minister MoFPED responds to communication from the ED WB on 2015 World Bank Group President cancellation. Minister requests a technical dialogue. December 28, Country Director letter to Country Director sends letter to Minister MoFPED informing of decision 2015 Minister MoFP...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  16. Complaint > Land Reform and Poverty Alleviation Project, 1st Request

    Management Response: 14-Management Response (English)

    ...Requestors themselves do not meet the eligibility criteria to file a Request for Inspection. 3.5 Of all signatories of the Request identifiable by name, organization, location and national identity number, none is a Project beneficiary. Also, there is no evidence that any beneficiaries designated the Requestors to act as their agents in presenting the Request. The large majority (more than 80%) of the Requestors are from outside the Northeast, and only 4.8% are from States where the Project...

    WB Inspection Panel - Brazil - 1998
  17. Complaint > Lagos Metropolitan Development and Governance Project

    Other: 91 - Panel's response to CSO letter on the first Pilot for Early Solutions

    ...Requesters and their representatives freely and directly. Throughout the Pilot process, there were numerous instances in which the Panel intervened to bring to the attention of Bank management specific concerns raised by the Requesters, to which Bank management promptly responded. Furthermore, and as stipulated in the Pilot document, Requesters can at any time request for the process to be stopped and ask for a full investigation. In this particular case, we in fact received a last minute reques...

    WB Inspection Panel - Nigeria - 2013
  18. Complaint > Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Project (COINBIO)

    Management Response: 30-Management Response (English)

    ...Request for Inspection, IPN Request RQ04/1 (hereinafter referred to as “the Request”), concerning the Mexico Indigenous and Community Biodiversity Conservation Project (referred to hereinafter as the COINBIO Project or the Project) financed in part by the Global Environment Facility (GEF Trust Fund Grant No. TF24372). 2. This Management Response to the Request for Inspection contains the following sections: Section II briefly presents the Request; Section III provides the Project back- grou...

    WB Inspection Panel - Mexico - 2004
  19. Complaint > Rio Bogota Environmental Recuperation and Flood Control Project

    Registration: 108-Notice of Registration(English)

    ...Request does not concern issues of procurement; and (vii) the Request is not the same as a previous Request on which the Panel has already made a recommendation. Registration of the Request 18. As provided in paragraph 17 of the IBRD Resolution ("the Resolution") that established the Panel, "the Chairperson of the Panel shall inform the Executive Directors and the President of the Bank promptly upon receiving a request for inspection." With this 4 At the time of receipt of the Request, the...

    WB Inspection Panel - Colombia - 2016
  20. Complaint > Proposed Kosovo Power Project and Second Additional Financing Energy Sector Clean-up and Land Reclamation Project

    Registration: 103-Notice of Registration(English)

    ...Request for Inspection On June 12, 2015 the Inspection Panel (the “Panel”) received a Request for Inspection (the “Request”) from residents of Hade and Obiliq municipality (the “Requesters”) in Kosovo. 1 The Request concerns three Bank operations: the Bank’s assistance to the Government of Kosovo for a resettlement-related policy, regulatory and legal framework financed under the closed Lignite Power Technical Assistance Project ...

    WB Inspection Panel - Kosovo - 2015