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  1. Complaint > BTC Pipeline-07/Dgvari

    Filing: Complaint, November 11, 2009

    ...President of the IFC nor the President of the WB responded to our urgent request sent by mail in December of last year. Nevertheless, we were almost immediately contacted by phone and e-mail by members of the Inspection Panel who clarified some basic facts in order for us to proceed with a formal petition. The CAO Office on the other hand responded promptly, but said that a formal complaint by affected communities had to be filed. This brief letter, sent and signed by two...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Georgia
  2. Complaint > Egyptian Indian Polyester Company - Sokhna-02/India

    Filing: Egypt EIPC-02 Complaint - redacted - English

    ...request has been ignored for extensive period of tirn_J. I hope my request will be taken in right spirit to a meaningful resolution of my due salary. · ,t ' .. ,• , . ~ ~;~:~~-~~--:, ~! ~·· Lastly, I would like to thank you for considering my 'request and for looking into this grave situation. With Best Regards, MOHAN SINGH SISODIA a Attached: 1. Copy of signed contract 2. Copy of ter...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Egypt - 2017
  3. Complaint > Mozal-01/Matola and Maputo

    Monitoring: CAO Monitoring and Closure Report - June 25_2014

    ...President of the World Bank Group. The CAO reviews complaints from communities affected by development projects undertaken by the two private sector lending arms of the World Bank Group, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). For more information about the CAO, please visit 2 Audit Report ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mozambique
  4. Complaint > Vizhinjam-01/Kerala

    Filing: Concerns of affected Stakeholders, Joint Complaint on the Proposed Vizhinjam Port Project, August 14, 2012

    ...President Exnora International Email – Dr Sanjeev Ghosh Sudhiesh M Shajer Khan Former Additional Director District President Social Activist Fisheries Department Kerala Hotels and Restaurant Association Vizhinjam Government of Kerala Trivandrum Trivandrum sanjeevaghosh@gm...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India - 2012
  5. Complaint > Dinant-01/CAO Vice President Request

    Monitoring: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group. CAO reviews complaints from communities affected by development projects undertaken by the two private sector arms of the World Bank Group, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). CAO’s compliance function oversees investigations of IFC/MIGA’s environmental and social performance, particularly in relation to sensitive projects, to ensure compliance with policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Honduras
  6. Complaint > Mahindra Farm Services-01/Confidential

    Eligibility: English

    ...requested by MSSL officials to refrain from speaking negatively about MSSL and its business position. 3. Tractors and other machinery that MSSL leased or sold to franchises often did not function properly, and requests to MSSL for repairs or repayments were not forthcoming or not complete. 4. The Pesticide Management Manual prepared for the ASCs, as required by IFC’s Corrective Action Plan, was completed and delivered to franchisees only after the majority of franchisees had stopp...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India
  7. Complaint > VEIL II-01/ Ratanakiri Province

    Agreement: English

    ...requested confidentiality, raised a number of concerns related to loss of land and livelihood impacts. Significant agreements have been reached through dialogue relating, among other issues, to return of land, restoration of waterways, and repair of roads. Implementation of these agreements is ongoing. The parties sought the support of the Royal Government of Cambodia, which formed a provincial working group to interact with the dialogue process in November 2017. According to IFC documentation, ...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Cambodia
  8. Complaint > Togo LCT-02/Lome

    Eligibility: CAO Assessment Report Togo: LCT-02 -Aug 2018 EN

    ...requested that the Ministry of Mines and Energy evacuate the site. The Company stated that they had a meeting with MMLK in December 2017, at which they discussed the market gardeners and sand miners’ resettlement and were informed by MMLK that these groups were not compensated. The Company showed MMLK evidence of payment, and informed MMLK about actions planned as part of the Community Development Plan (CPD). MMLK then asked to work with the Company on the CDP. However, this request was declined...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Togo - 2018
  9. Complaint > PT Weda Bay Nickel-01/Weda Bay

    Eligibility: Ombudsman Assessment Report: Complaint Regarding the MIGA PT Weda Bay Nickel Project (#8113), Halmahera Island, North Maluku, Indonesia, June 2011

    ...REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE In July 2010, a letter from Indonesian NGOs and concerned citizens was sent to the CAO (see Appendix 1). The signatories of the letter comprise both national NGOs, local NGOs and five directly-affected people living on Halmahera Island. The letter requests CAO’s assistance in addressing a number of environmental and social concerns related to the WBN project. The individual community-member complainants have requested that the CAO keep their identities confidential. In Nov...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia - 2011
  10. Complaint > Agrokasa-01/Ica

    Agreement: Letter from Junta de Usarios Rio Seco, April 5, 2010

    ...president Mr. José Chimpler and general manager Carlos Arrese), has committed verbally and in writing to work with us, and through its membership in JUASVI to protect the aquifer and to continue its efforts to reduce water consumption through crop replacement (grapes instead of asparagus) and to not expand its crop areas, which they suggest be adopted by other farmers. 3) AGROKASA also has stated a commitment to sharing information with us regarding its irrigation program and...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Peru - 2010
  11. Complaint > VEIL II-01/ Ratanakiri Province

    Agreement: English

    ...requested confidentiality. In April 2014, representatives of the affected communities and HAGL chose to participate in a dispute resolution process facilitated by CAO. Following a letter in support of the process from the Ministry of Interior in October 2014, CAO has been engaging the parties to develop Ground Rules; providing dispute resolution training to community representatives, advisors and company staff; and coordinating meetings in the affected villages jointly with civil society organiz...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Cambodia
  12. Complaint > Wilmar Group-02/Sumatra

    Eligibility: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group, and its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by projects in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of projects in which IFC and MIGA play a role. In the first instance, the CAO’s Ombudsman function responds to the complaint. This document presents a summary of the assessment, and makes suggestions for next steps among the parties. 1.1 The complaint On 19 December 2008...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Indonesia
  13. Complaint > Tata Ultra Mega-01/Mundra and Anjar

    Eligibility: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group. Its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by IFC/MIGA supported projects in a manner that is fair, objective, and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of those projects. The CAO‘s first response to complaints from affected communities is an assessment of the situation carried out by its dispute resolution team. The aim of this assessment is two-fold: first, to listen to, and learn from,...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - India - 2012
  14. Complaint > Bidco Bev. & Det.-01/Thika

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Investigation Report - Bidco 01 & 04 - December 2018 - English

    ...President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 1 The information in this letter and its enclosures is provided solely in the context of the CAO process, which is a mechanism internal to IFC. Because the CAO is not a court or legal enforcement mechanism, neither this information nor the information to which it responds constitutes evidence or gives rise to any legal claims against IFC. Nothing contained herein nor in CAO's reports i...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kenya
  15. Complaint > Bidco-04/Thika

    Management Response: IFC Response to CAO Investigation Report - Bidco 01 & 04 - December 2018 - English PDF

    ...President and General Counsel Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 1 The information in this letter and its enclosures is provided solely in the context of the CAO process, which is a mechanism internal to IFC. Because the CAO is not a court or legal enforcement mechanism, neither this information nor the information to which it responds constitutes evidence or gives rise to any legal claims against IFC. Nothing contained herein nor in CAO's reports i...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Kenya
  16. Complaint > Rainforest Ecolodge Linkages-01/Deniyaya

    Eligibility: CAO Ombudsman Assessment Report, February 2010

    ...request for environmental permits and other documentation – the Central Environment Authority (CEA) has confirmed that REC had obtained all necessary permits and clearances for construction based on its requirement for an Initial Impact Assessment. It noted that some requests for permits – for example for the research laboratory – had not been granted. Concerns relating to tree-felling as well as damming of local tributaries had not been substantiated by t...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Sri Lanka - 2010
  17. Complaint > Myanma Awba Group Company Ltd.-01/Myanmar

    Filing: Letter of Complaint

    To: Office of the Compliance Advisor (CAO) 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington. DC 20433 U.S.A Date: 4 October 2017 Subject: Request to withdraw the World Bank’s joint-venture investment into the Myanma Awba Group’s Chemical Pharmaceutical Factory Project, construction of which was finished in the Wahnetchaung Village area, Hmawbi Township of Yangon Division, because it is violati...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Myanmar - 2017
  18. Complaint > Celulosas de M'Bopicua (CMB) & Orion-01/Argentina & Uruguay

    Eligibility: Preliminary Assessment Report, November 2005

    ...requests the CAO to ‘use all of its powers and faculties to ensure that the IFC Board of Directors cease all further consideration of financing these projects’. In an addendum to the complaint, the complainants request that the CAO consider the role of MIGA, as well as that of IFC in the complaint. The CAO undertook a field assessment of the complaint between October 9 and October 14, 2005, during which it visited communities in Gualeguaychu and Fray Bentos (in the vicinity of the projects), Mer...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Argentina, Uruguay
  19. Complaint > Comsur V-01/Bosque Chiquitano

    Eligibility: Assessment Report, Regarding COMSUR/Don Mario Mine, November 2003

    ...President of that fear of harm. It would be for the President to instruct IFC to take any action. In the same vein, the CAO may not instruct COMSUR to cease or undertake any action, it is only through IFC that the CAO may hope that its recommendations have an impact. Furthermore, as an accountability mechanism of IFC/MIGA, the CAO may not opine on the quality or intent of national laws or regulations, their enforcement or matters of violation except where that may be implied from a judgment that...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Bolivia
  20. Complaint > Oyu Tolgoi-01/Khanbogd

    Eligibility: English

    ...President of the World Bank Group, and its mandate is to assist in addressing complaints from people affected by IFC/MIGA supported projects in a manner that is fair, objective and constructive and to enhance the social and environmental outcomes of those projects. For more information, see –2– Table of Contents Table of Contents................................................................................................

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Mongolia - 2013