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  1. Complaint > Second Rural Enterprise Support Project

    Filing: 89-Request for Inspection (English and Russian)

    ...child labor and forced labor, by incorporating into its safeguard policies the core labor standards as defined by the ILO. Bank safeguards should prohibit the use of forced labor or the worst forms of child labor in all Bank projects, as well as in activities that may benefit either directly, or indirectly, from Bank funds. Safeguard policies should work towards the elimination of all forms of child labor, taking into account the distinction between forced child labor and other forms of child la...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uzbekistan - 2013
  2. Complaint > Transport Sector Development Project - Additional Financing

    Filing: Request for Inspection

    ...children. This has also resulted into marriage breakages. We however pity the girl Child wherever 3/32 such developments shall be effected and sympathize with those where such have been implemented. 7. Increased school dropout and absenteeism and Child labor. Due to increased population there is petty business emerging along the road. School children drop out or are frequently absent due to such activities. The children are a...

    WB Inspection Panel - Uganda - 2015
  3. Complaint > Rehabilitation of the Railway in Cambodia Project 2

    Filing: Request for compliance review [PDF](attachments are available upon request from Chair, CRP at

    ...children have stopped going to school. Both younger and older children are affected, but while there is a primary school nearby, there is no secondary school so teenage children are more likely to have dropped out. Parents reported noticing a regression in children’s grades or skills, including reading. In some cases children are working to supplement household income instead of attending school. ...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - Cambodia - 2012
  4. Complaint > Accelerating Infrastructure Investment Facility in India - Tranche 1

    Filing: Complaint

    ...Labor Standards, no explicit ratification is needed for them to be part of the legislative framework of a country. The Core Labor Standards consist of (a) freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, (b) the abolition of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, (c) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and (d) the elimination of child labor. All Asian and Pacific DMCs,6by virtue of...

    ADB Special Project Facilitator and Compliance Review Panel - India - 2019
  5. Complaint > Productive Infrastructure Program - Request II: Caracol Industrial Park (MICI)

    Filing: Complaint

    ...children. Post-displacement, victims have found it difficult to finance their children’s education as a result of the loss of income.234 Unfortunately, as a result of these financial difficulties, it is likely that female children suffered disproportionately a loss of education: victims are likely to have prioritized their male children for education, with female children expected to take on tasks at home.235 Better inclusion of the views of women would likely have raised the priority of food se...

    IDB Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism - Haiti - 2017
  6. Complaint > Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Road Sector Project

    Filing: 105-Request for Inspection

    ...children and children after the Chairman of the world bank. thanking you yours sincerely 1 1) Mr 2) Mr. Unquote 2 From: To: Subject: Date: --Fwd: World record Bribery market created by world bank funds in India @ NH 216 Alignment Monday, December 21, 2015 1:51:54 AM the Inspection Panel World Bank Washington DC U.S.A Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Human rights violation an...

    WB Inspection Panel - India - 2015
  7. Complaint > Interagua-01/Guayaquil

    Filing: Queja con respecto el proyecto del International Water Services Guayaquil – Interagua C. Ltda. en Guayaquil, Ecuador, 14 de enero de 2008

    ...Laboratorio de la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil examinó muestras de agua de las escuelas del sector, y declaró que el agua no era apta para el consumo humano en ninguna de las escuelas. 79 Sin embargo, Interagua mantenía que su servicio no era deficiente y que el agua proveída era realmente potable, señalando a las muestras probadas en su laboratorio que indican un 100% de cumplimiento con normas contractuales. 80 Su implicación en esta declaración es que la contaminación del agua o...

    IFC Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman - Ecuador