Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) | Accountability Console
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Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3)


Community health and safety

Description: Complaint raises concerns related to public health and safety including incidents of or an increase in accidents, release of hazardous materials, and spread of diseases. Concerns related to retaliation and/or violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 363

Browse Complaints

Consultation and disclosure

Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding inadequate or absent consultation about or disclosure of project information, including project impacts and/or mitigation plans.

Complaints with this Issue: 538

Browse Complaints

Due diligence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about inadequate or absent prior investigation of project impacts.

Complaints with this Issue: 486

Browse Complaints



Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 995

Browse Complaints

Regulatory Development

Description: Project relates specifically to development or reform of legal frameworks, including laws and regulations.

Complaints in this Sector: 169

Browse Complaints


Name: Cairo Metro Line 3

Investments: EIB 20100613

Client: National Authority for Tunnels (NAT)

Support: Loans

Country: Egypt


IAM: Complaints Mechanism (CM)

ID: SG/E/2012/12

Date Filed: Jan. 5, 2012

Date Closed: Dec. 31, 2015

Status: Closed With Outputs


In November 2012, the EIB Complaints Mechanism (EIB-CM) received emails from several individuals expressing objections to the construction works related to the expansion of the Cairo Metro Line in the Zamalek Island, Cairo, Egypt. Initially, the EIB-CM had received 33 complaints. Subsequently, the EIB-CM received additional emails from residents of Zamalek in support of the original complaint and with similar petitions than the original complainants. The complainants have presented several allegations. First, they contest the effectiveness of the public consultation held by the promoter; secondly, they express their disagreement with the route of the metro line and the location - in the Ismail Mohamed Street - chosen for the station; regarding the design of the metro line and the location of the station, the complainants have presented several alternatives to the route proposed by NAT; in addition, the complainants allege that the Bank has failed to adequately assess the disturbances resulting from the construction works and the associated mitigation measures; similarly, they allege that the Bank has failed to assess and provide adequate mitigation measures for risks associated with the construction works such as vibrations and the risk of the collapse of buildings. The complainants have also expressed their concerns on several other issues related to the future operation of the metro, such as social intrusion in the island, harassment of female users of the metro, loss of business and management of the flow of pedestrians associated to the metro station.

Complaint Stages


Jan. 5, 2012



Start Date: Jan. 5, 2012


Jan. 5, 2012 -

Jan. 5, 2012


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Jan. 5, 2012

End Date: Jan. 5, 2012


Jan. 5, 2012 -

Sept. 12, 2013


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Jan. 5, 2012

End Date: Sept. 12, 2013

Dispute Resolution

Not Undertaken

Dispute Resolution

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Not desired by complainant, Complainant chose not to have dispute resolution

Compliance Review

Sept. 12, 2013 -

Sept. 3, 2014

Compliance Review

Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Unknown

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: Yes


Sept. 3, 2014 -

Dec. 31, 2015


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: Sept. 3, 2014

End Date: Dec. 31, 2015


Dec. 31, 2015



Case page Monitoring

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