Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-2) | Accountability Console
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Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-2)


Community health and safety

Description: Complaint raises concerns related to public health and safety including incidents of or an increase in accidents, release of hazardous materials, and spread of diseases. Concerns related to retaliation and/or violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 363

Browse Complaints

Consultation and disclosure

Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding inadequate or absent consultation about or disclosure of project information, including project impacts and/or mitigation plans.

Complaints with this Issue: 538

Browse Complaints

Cultural heritage

Description: Complaint raises concerns about impacts on any type of tangible or intangible cultural heritage, including significant sites, unique environmental features, cultural knowledge, and traditional lifestyles.

Complaints with this Issue: 120

Browse Complaints

Displacement (physical and/or economic)

Description: Complaint raises concerns about physical relocation, loss of shelter, and/or loss of assets that relate to income or livelihood.

Complaints with this Issue: 494

Browse Complaints

Due diligence

Description: Complaint raises concerns about inadequate or absent prior investigation of project impacts.

Complaints with this Issue: 486

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns regarding impacts on individuals because of their gender identity that do not relate specifically to gender-based violence.

Complaints with this Issue: 22

Browse Complaints


Description: Complaint raises concerns about impacts on the means by which people make a living, including wage-based income, trade and bartering, agriculture, fishing, foraging, and other natural-resource based means.

Complaints with this Issue: 345

Browse Complaints

Retaliation (actual or feared)

Description: Complaint raises concerns about incidents or risk of harm against those who have raised concerns about the project perpetrated by the project company, government, public or private security forces, or other individuals acting on behalf of project proponents. Retaliation may include discrimination, slander, threats, denial of services, unfounded judicial proceedings, and termination of employment. Concerns regarding specific incidents of violence are not included.

Complaints with this Issue: 71

Browse Complaints



Description: Project relates to construction or improvement of large structures, facilities, or public works projects. Examples include roads and other transportation projects, sanitation and water treatment facilities, power plants, and industrial facilities.

Complaints in this Sector: 998

Browse Complaints

Regulatory Development

Description: Project relates specifically to development or reform of legal frameworks, including laws and regulations.

Complaints in this Sector: 169

Browse Complaints


IAM: Inspection Panel (Panel)

ID: 151

Date Filed: June 17, 2021

Date Closed: June 5, 2023

Status: Closed With Outputs


The Request for Inspection was submitted on June 17, 2021 by Witness Radio Uganda, a not-for-profit and non-partisan registered advocacy organization for the protection and promotion of human rights in development, on behalf of 24 community members and representatives living in the project area in Kampala (the Requesters). The Requesters have asked the Panel to keep their identities confidential and authorized Witness Radio Uganda to represent them during the Panel process. Accountability Counsel also supports this Request. The Panel has further received seven signatures of local council leaders supporting the Request. The Requesters raise concern about works on the Lubigi Primary Drainage Channel financed under Second Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project(KIIDP-2). They allege that the project failed to include their community in its resettlement and compensation program. They explain that, under the World Bank’s reduced supervision during the COVID-19 lockdown, an attempt was made to forcefully evict Project-Affected Persons (PAPs) without compensation and in violation of the Bank’s safeguard policies. According to the Request, following interventions from PAPs’ advocates and the local council, the Requesters were then rushed through a resettlement process that did not follow due process. They also allege that this resettlement process was threatening and coercive. The Requesters explain that they are willing to move but require fair and adequate compensation and resettlement assistance to sustain their livelihoods. The Requesters further raise a number of concerns related to impact from the First Kampala Institutional and Infrastructure Development Project (KIIDP-1) that were never addressed – including damage to structures and crops that had been taken by force, increased flooding, and health and safety issues. According to the Requesters, community members had been informed that anything left unaddressed would be resolved under KIIDP-2, but they claim that this did not happen. The Request describes several areas of alleged actual and expected harm – including physical displacement, loss and disruption of family remains including burial sites, risk of food shortages, increase in the number of school dropouts, and impacts on children’s safety and welfare, and on women. The Requesters also allege inadequate information disclosure, a lack of meaningful consultation and participation and the failure to establish an adequate grievance redress mechanism. The Request includes several community demands focusing on the resolution of the above-described issues.

Complaint Stages


June 17, 2021



Start Date: June 17, 2021


June 17, 2021 -

July 26, 2021


Status: Closed With Output

Start Date: June 17, 2021

End Date: July 26, 2021


July 26, 2021 -

Oct. 20, 2021


Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Complaint not yet reached stage, Registration in progress

Dispute Resolution

Dec. 2, 2022 -

May 31, 2023

Dispute Resolution

Status: Closed With Output

Explanation: Complaint not yet reached stage, Registration in progress

Compliance Review

Not Undertaken

Compliance Review

Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Case closed in earlier stage, Complaint settled in Dispute Resolution so Compliance Review not offered

Has Compliance Report: No

Non-Compliance Found: No


Not Undertaken


Status: Not Undertaken

Explanation: Mechanism deemed involvement unnecessary, Mechanism chose not to monitor


June 5, 2023



Involved Groups
