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Complaints Mechanism
European Investment Bank
Name: European Investment Bank
Acronym: EIB
Year Founded: 1958
Support: Advisory services, Equity, Financial intermediary, Loans, No IFI involvement, Other, Risk Guarantee
Sectors: Agribusiness, Chemicals, Community capacity and development, Conservation and environmental protection, Education, Energy, Extractives (oil, gas, mining), Financing, Forestry, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Other, Regulatory Development
Regions: East Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
The EIB, established in 1958, is the bank owned by and representing the interests of the European Union member states. It provides finance and expertise for investment projects that promote EU policy objectives, specifically growth and employment in Europe and integration of the EU. While 90% of EIB lending activity is in Europe, its mandate also includes financing economic (especially private sector-led), social, environmental, and/or energy-related development projects in countries outside of the EU, including in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The EIB established a Complaints Mechanism in 2008 and released the current version of the mechanism’s policy in 2013. The Complaints Mechanism has two functions: Compliance review and Problem-solving. It takes a flexible approach to these functions, which apply to both private- and public-sector EIB operations.
Issues Raised in CM Complaints
Projects in CM Complaints
Countries of CM Complaints
How Are Complaints Handled?
Complaint Map
EIB Complaints Mechanism